Page 5 - 14. COMPILER QB - INDAS 20
P. 5


        Q4 (MTP Aug. 18 – 4 Marks)
        A Limited received from the government a loan of Rs.1,00,00,000 @ 5% payable after 5 years in a bulleted

        payment. The prevailing market rate of interest is 12%. Interest is payable regularly at the end of each year.
        Calculate  the  amount  of  government  grant  and  Pass  necessary  journal  entry.  Also  examine  how  the
        Government grant is realized. Also state how the grant will be recognized in the statement of profit or loss
        assuming that the loan is to finance a depreciable asset.

        The fair value of the loan is calculated at Rs. 74,76,656.
          Year     Opening     Interest calculated @ 12%     Interest paid @ 5% on Rs.        Closing Balance
                   Balance                                   1,00,00,000 + principal paid
           (a)       (b)           (c) = (b) x 12%                     (d)                 (e) =(b) + (c) – (d)

            1      74,76,656           8,97,200                      5,00,000                    78,73,856
           2      78,73,856            9,44,862                      5,00,000                    83,18,718
           3       83,18,718           9,98,246                      5,00,000                    88,16,964
           4       88,16,964           10,58,036                     5,00,000                    93,75,000
           5       93,75,000           11,25,000                    1,05,00,000                     Nil

        A Limited will recognise Rs. 25,23,344 (Rs. 1,00,00,000 – Rs. 74,76,656) as the government grant and will
        make the following entry on receipt of loan:
               Bank Account                 Dr.    Rs. 1,00,00,000
                       To Deferred Income                                Rs. 25,23,344
                       To Loan Account                                   Rs. 74,76,656

        Rs. 25,23,344 is to be recognised in profit or loss on a systematic basis over the periods in which A Limited
        recognises the related costs (which the grant intends to compensate) as expenses.
        If the loan is to finance a depreciable asset, Rs. 25,23,344 will be recognised in profit or loss on the same

        basis as depreciation.

        Q5. (MTP Oct. 20 + Exam Nov. 18)
        How will you recognize & present the grants received from the Government in the  following  cases as per
        Ind AS 20?

        (i)  A Ltd. received one acre of land to set up a plant in a backward area (fair value of land Rs. 12 lakh and
             acquired value by Government is Rs. 8 lakhs).
        (ii)  B  Ltd.  received  an  amount  of  loan  for  setting  up  a  plant  at  concessional  rate  of  interest  from  the
        (iii) D Ltd. received an amount of Rs. 25 lakh for immediate start-up of a business without any condition.

        (iv) S Ltd. received Rs. 10 lakh for purchase of machinery costing Rs. 80 lakh. Useful life of machinery is 10
             years. Depreciation on this machinery is to be charged on a straight line basis.
        (v)  Government  gives  a  grant  of Rs.  25  lakh  to  U Limited  for  research  and  development  of  medicine  for

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