Page 7 - 14. COMPILER QB - INDAS 20
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        Q6 (May. 19 – 4 Marks)
        Mediquick  Ltd.  has  received  the  following  grants  from  the  Central  Government  for  its  newly  started

        pharmaceutical business:
         ● Rs. 50 lakh received for immediate start-up of business without any condition.
         ● Rs. 70 lakh received for research and development of drugs  required  for the treatment  of cardiovascular
           diseases with following conditions:
            (i)  That drugs should be available to the public at 20% cheaper from current market price and

            (ii) The drugs should be in accordance with quality prescribed by the Govt. Drug Control department.
        ●  Three acres of land (fair value: Rs. 20 lakh) received for set up of plant.
        ●  Rs.4 lakh received for purchase of machinery of Rs.10 lakh. Useful life of machinery is 4years.  Depreciation
           on this machinery is to be charged on a straight-line basis.
        How should Mediquick Ltd. recognize the government grants in its books of accounts as per relevant Ind AS?

        Mediquick Ltd. should recognise the grants in the following manner:

        ●  Rs.  50  lakhs  have  been  received  for  immediate  start-up  of  business.  This  should  be  recognised  in  the
           Statement of Profit and Loss immediately as there are no conditions attached to the grant.
        ●  Rs. 70 lakhs should be recognised in profit or loss on a systematic basis over the periods in which the
           entity recognises as expense the related costs for which the grants are intended to compensate. However,
           for this compliance, there should be reasonable assurance that Mediquick Ltd. complies with the conditions
           attached  to the grant.

        ●  Land should be recognised at fair value of Rs. 20 lakhs and government grants should be presented in the
           balance sheet by setting up the grant as deferred income.
           Alternatively, since the land is granted at no cost, it may be presented in the books at nominal value.
        ●  Rs. 4 lakhs should be recognised as deferred income and will be transferred to profit and loss account over
           the useful life of the asset. In these cases, Rs.1,00,000 [Rs. 4 lakhs/ 4 years] should be credited to the

           profit and loss account each year over the period of 4 years.
           Alternatively, Rs. 4,00,000 will be deducted from the cost of the asset and depreciation will be charged at
           reduced amount of Rs. 6,00,000 (Rs. 10,00,000 – Rs. 4,00,000) i.e. Rs. 1,50,000 each year.

        Q7 (Nov. 19 – 4 Marks) (Mix of IndAS 20 & IndAS 41)

        Arun Ltd. is an entity engaged in plantation and farming on a large scale and diversified across India. On 1 st
        April, 2018, the company has received a government grant for Rs 20 lakh subject· to a condition that it will

        continue to engage in plantation of eucalyptus trees for a coming period of five years.
        The management has a reasonable assurance that the entity will comply with condition of engaging in the
        plantation  of  eucalyptus  trees  for  specified  period  of  five  years  and  accordingly  it  recognizes  proportionate
        grant for Rs 4 lakh in Statement of Profit and Loss as income following the principles laid down under Ind AS
        Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance.

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