Page 8 - 14. COMPILER QB - INDAS 20
P. 8

        Evaluate  whether  the  above  accounting  treatment  made  by  the  management  is  in  compliance  with  the
        applicable Ind AS. If not, advise the correct treatment.

        Arun Ltd. is engaged in plantation and farming on a large scale. This implies that it has agriculture business.

        Hence, Ind AS 41 will be applicable.
        Further,  the  government  grant  has  been  given  subject  to  a  condition  that  it  will  continue  to  engage  in
        plantation of eucalyptus tree for a coming period of five years.  This implies that it is a conditional grant.
        In  the  absence  of  the  measurement  base  of  biological  asset,  it  is  assumed  that  “Arun  Ltd  measures  its
        Biological Asset at fair value less cost to sell”:

        (i)  As per Ind AS 41, the government grant should be recognised in profit or loss when, and only when, the
             conditions attaching to the government grant are met i.e., continuous plantation of eucalyptus tree for
             coming period of 5 years. In this case, the grant shall not be recognised in profit or loss until the five
             years have passed. The entity has recognised the grant in profit and loss on proportionate basis, which is
        (ii)  However, if the terms of the grant allow part of it to be retained  according to the time elapsed, the

             entity  recognises  that  part  in  profit  or  loss  as  time  passes.  Accordingly, the  entity  can  recognise  the
             proportionate grant for Rs 4 lakh in the statement of Profit and Loss based on the terms of the grant.
        Alternatively,  it  may  be  assumed  that  Arun  Ltd.  measures  its  Biological  Asset  at  its  cost    less  any
        accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses (as per para 30 of Ind AS 41):

        In such a situation, principles of Ind AS 20 (with respect to conditional grant will apply). According to Ind AS
        20, the conditional grant should be recognised in the Statement of Profit and Loss over the periods and in the
        proportions in which depreciation expense on those assets is recognised.  Hence the proportionate recognition
        of grant Rs 4 lakh (20lakh / 5) as income is correct since the entity has reasonable assurance  that the
        entity will comply with the conditions attached to the grant.

        Note: In case eucalyptus tree is considered as bearer plant by Arun Ltd., then Ind AS 20 will be applicable
        and not Ind AS 41.

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