Page 11 - 15. COMPILER QB - INDAS 21
P. 11

Working of the cumulative balance of the FCTR
                    Particulars         Actual translated     Amount     Difference translated at closing rate of
                                         amount in Euro                             USD 1.15 /EURO

                                              A                  b                       b-a
             Issued capital                 25,000            34,783*                   9,783
             Opening retained earnings      15,000            21,739**                  6,739
             Profit for the year            18,333            19,130***                  797
                                            58,333           … 75,652                   17,319

                               40,000            ∗∗ 25,000            ∗∗∗ 22,000
                                      = 34,783             = 21,739              = 19,130
                                1.15               1.15                  1.15

        Q11 (Jan. 21 – 5 Mark)

        SB Limited is engaged in the business of producing extracts from the natural plants for pharmaceuticals and
        Ayurvedic  companies.  It  has  a  wholly  owned  subsidiary,  UB  Limited  which  is  engaged  in  the  business  of
        pharmaceuticals. UB Limited purchases the pharmaceuticals extracts from its parent company. The demand of
        UB  Limited  is  very  high  and  hence  to  cater  its  shortfall,  UB  Limited  also  purchases  the  pharmaceutical

        extracts from other companies. Purchases are made at the competitive prices
        SB Limited sold pharmaceutical extracts to UB Limited for Euro 10 lakhs on 1st February, 2021. The cost of
        these extracts was Rs 770 lakh in the books of SB Limited at the time of sale. At the year-end, i.e. 31st
        March 2021, all these pharmaceutical extracts were lying as closing stock and payable with UB Limited.
        Euro is the functional currency of UB Limited while Indian-Rupee is the functional currency of SB Limited.
        Following additional information is available:

        Exchange rate on 1st February 2021  1 Euro = Rs 85
        Exchange rate on 31st March 2021    1 Euro = Rs 88
        Provide the accounting treatment of the above in the books of SB Limited and UB Limited.
        Also show its impact on consolidated financial statements. Support your answer by journal entries, wherever
        necessary. Assume NRV to be higher than the cost.

        Accounting treatment in the books of SB Ltd (Functional Currency INR)

        SB Ltd will recognize sales of Rs 850 lakh (10 lacs Euro x Rs 85)
        Profit on sale of inventory = 850 lakh – 770 lakh = Rs 80 lakh.
        On balance sheet date receivable from UB Ltd. will be translated at closing rate i.e. 1 Euro
        = Rs 88. Therefore, unrealised forex gain will be recorded in standalone profit and loss of
        Rs 30 lakh [i.e. (Rs 88 - Rs 85) x 10 lakh Euro].

                                                    Journal Entries
                    Date                                                        (Rs in lakh)  (Rs in lakh)
                1.2.2021    UB Ltd. A/c                         Dr.                 850
                                      To Sales                                                   850
                            (Being revenue recorded on initial recognition)
                31.3.2021   UB Ltd. A/c                         Dr.                  30
                                                                                                          15. 10
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