Page 3 - 8. COMPILER QB - INDAS 41
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        As at 31st March, 2017:

        the mature plantation would have been valued at 17,100 (171 x 100).
        As at 31st March, 2018:

        the mature plantation would have been valued at 16,500 (165 x 100).
        Assuming  immaterial  cash  flow  between  now  and  the  point  of  harvest,  the  fair  value  (and  therefore  the

        amount reported as an asset on the statement of financial position) of the plantation is estimated as follows:
          As at 31st March, 2017: 17,100 x 0.312 = 5,335.20.

          As at 31st March, 2018: 16,500 x 0.331 = 5,461.50.

        Gain or loss

        The  difference  in  fair  value  of  the  plantation  between  the  two-year  end  dates  is  126.30  (5,461.50  –
        5,335.20), which will be reported as a gain in the statement or profit or loss (regardless of the fact that it
        has not yet been realised).

        Q2 (RTP May.21)

        Analyse whether the following activities fall within the scope of Ind AS 41 with proper reasoning:
           Managing animal-related recreational activities like Zoo
           Fishing in the ocean
           Fish farming

            Development of living organisms such as cells, bacteria and viruses
           Growing of plants to be used in the production of drugs
           Purchase of 25 dogs for security purpose of the company’s premises.

                       Activity         Whether in the                       Remarks
                                        scope of Ind AS

                Managing       animal         No         Since  the  primary  purpose  is  to  show  the  animals  to
                related-recreational                     public for recreational purposes, there is no management
                activities like Zoo                      of  biological  transformation  but  simply  control  of  the
                                                         number of animals. Hence it will not fall in the purview
                                                         of considered in the definition of agricultural activity.

                Fishing in the ocean          No         Fishing  in  ocean  is  harvesting  biological  assets  from
                                                         unmanaged  sources.  There  is  no  management  of
                                                         biological transformation since fish grow naturally in the
                                                         ocean.    Hence,  it  will  not  fall  in  the  scope  of  the
                                                         definition of agricultural activity.

                Fish farming                  Yes        Managing the growth of fish and then harvest for sale
                                                         is  agricultural  activity  within  the  scope  of  Ind  AS  41
                                                         since  there  is  management  of  biological  transformation
                                                         of  biological  assets  for  sale  or  additional  biological
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