Page 8 - 8. COMPILER QB - INDAS 41
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Rs. 8.50 lakh to maintain their condition (food and protection) and Rs. 4.60 lakh as breeding fee to a
        local farmer.
        On 1st October 2020,120 calves were born. There were no other changes in the number of animals during

        the year ended 31st March 2021. Sewa Dairy Limited had 3,200  liters of unsold milk in inventory as on
        31st March 2021. The milk was sold on 1st and 2nd April· 2021 at market prices.
        The information regarding fair values is as follows:
                                  Items                 Fair values less cost to sell  (All values in Rs.)
                                                       1st April   1st October 2020  31st March 2021
                     Land                              60 Lakhs       70 Lakhs          80 Lakhs

                     New born calves (per calf)          2,000          2,300            2,500
                     6 months old calves (per calf)     2.,200         2;500             2,800
                     2 years old cow (per cow)          10,000         10,250            10,500
                     3 years old cow (per cow)          10,500         10,800            11,000
                     Milk per liter                       25             27                30
        Prepare extracts from the Balance Sheet (assuming land under cost method) and Statement of Profit and
        Loss that would be reflected in the financial statements of Sewa Dairy Limited for the year ended 31st
        March 2021. Discuss the relevant Ind AS in support of your workings.


         Extract from the Statement of Profit and Loss of Sewa Diary Limited for the period ended on 31st
                                                     March, 2021
                                                                           WN          Amount

                         Change  in  fair  value  of  purchased  dairy cow   WN 2      2,00,000
                         Government  Grant                                 WN 3        10,00,000

                         Change in the fair value of newly born calves     WN 4        3,36,000
                         Fair Value of Milk                                WN 5         96,000
                         Total Income                              (A)                16,32,000

                         Maintenance  Costs                                WN 2        8,50,000
                         Breeding  Fee                                     WN 2        4,60,000
                         Total Expense                             (B)                (13,10,000)

                         Net Income                              (A-B)                 3,22,000

                              Extracts from Balance Sheet of Sewa Diary Limited As at 31st
                                           March, 2021

                     Property, Plant and Equipment:
                     Land                                      WN 1                     60,00,000
                     Biological assets other than bearer plants:
                     Dairy Cow                                 WN 2      22,00,000
                     Calves                                    WN 4       3,36,000      25,36,000

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