Page 7 - 8. COMPILER QB - INDAS 41
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and not Ind AS 41.

        Q5 (January 2021 – 4 Marks – Also added in New ICAI Module)

        On 1st November, 20X1, C Agro Ltd. purchased 100 goats of special breed from a market for Rs 10,00,000
        with  a  transaction  cost  of  2%.  Goats  fair  value  decreased  from  Rs  10,00,000  to  Rs  9,00,000  as  on  31st
        March, 20X2.
        Determine the fair value on the date of purchase and as on financial year ended 31st March, 20X2 under

        both the cases viz-
            i) the transaction costs are borne by the seller and
            ii) the transaction costs are incurred by the seller and purchaser both.
       Also pass journal entries under both the situations on both dates.


        As per para 12 of Ind AS 41, a biological asset shall be measured on initial recognition and at the end of
        each reporting period at its fair value less costs to sell. Therefore, regardless of who bears the transaction
        costs, the transaction costs of 2% are the costs to sell the goats on 1st November 20X1, and therefore, the
        goats should be measured at their fair value less costs to sell on initial recognition date, i.e., Rs 9,80,000.

                                                      Journal Entry
        As on 1st November 20X1:
        Where transaction costs are borne by the seller:
              Biological assets (Goats) A/c              Dr.      9,80,000
              Loss  on  purchase  of  biological  assets Dr.      20,000

              (Goats) A/c
                              To Bank A/c                                      10,00,000
        Where transaction costs are borne by the buyer:
           Biological assets (Goats) A/c                     Dr.    9,80,000
           Loss on purchase of biological asset (Goats) A/c  Dr.    40,000

                               To Bank A/c                                        10,20,000

           As on 31 March 20X2 – under both the scenarios:
           Loss on fair valuation of biological assets A/c   Dr.    98,000
                               To Biological assets (Goats) A/c                   98,000
                 [9,80,000 - (9,00,000 - 18,000)]

        Q6 (July.21 – 9 Marks)
        Sewa  Dairy  Limited  prepares  financial  statements  on  31st  March  each  year.  On  1st  April  2020  the
        Company carried out the following transactions:

         Purchased a land for Rs. 60 lakhs.
         Purchased 200 dairy cows (Average age at 1st April 2020  - 2 years) for Rs. 20 lakhs. Received a non-
          refundable grant of Rs. 10 lakhs towards the acquisition of the cows.
        During the year ending 31st March 2021, the Company on its dairy cows incurred

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