Page 4 - 9. COMPILER QB - INDAS 23
P. 4

Computation of borrowing cost to be capitalized for specific borrowings and general borrowings
                                         based on weighted average accumulated expenses

             Date  of incurrence     Amount       Financed through             Calculation              Rs
                of expenditure        spent
                 1 April, 2017      1,50,000      Specific borrowing      1,50,000 x 9% x 10/12       11,250
                1 August, 2017      2,00,000      Specific borrowing       50,000 x 9% x 10/12        3,750
                                                  General borrowing     1,50,000 x 11.4375% x 6/12   8,578.125
                1 October, 2017     3,50,000      General borrowing    3,50,000 x 11.4375% x 4/12    13,343.75
               1 January, 2018      1,00,000      General borrowing     1,00,000 x 11.4375% x 1/12   953.125
        Note: Since construction of building started on 1st April, 2017, it is presumed that all the later expenditures on
        construction of building had been incurred at the beginning of the respective month.
                 Total expenses to be capitalized for building

                         Cost of building Rs (1,50,000 + 2,00,000 + 3,50,000 + 1,00,000)   8,00,000
                         Add: Amount of interest to be capitalized                      37,875

                                                      Journal Entry
                      Date                        Particulars                       Rs          Rs
                   31.1.2018    Building account                            Dr    8,37,875
                                To Bank account                             .                8,00,0000

                                To Interest payable (borrowing cost)                           37,875
                                (Being  expenditure  incurred  on  construction  of
                                building and borrowing cost thereon capitalized)

        Note: In the above journal entry, it is assumed that interest amount will be paid at the end of the year.
        Hence, entry for interest payable has been passed on 31.1.2018.
           Alternatively, following journal entry may be passed if interest is paid on the date of capitalization:
                          Date                      Particulars                    Rs        Rs
                       31.1.2018   Building account                        Dr  8,37,875
                                       To Bank Account                     .              8,37,875
                                   (Being    expenditure   incurred   on
                                   construction  of  building  and  borrowing
                                   cost thereon capitalized)

        Assumption - 10 months in the given case is assumed to be a significant period.

        Q3 (RTP Nov. 19 & MTP Oct. 20)

        On 1st April, 20X1, entity A contracted for the construction of a building for 22,00,000. The land under the
        building is regarded as a separate asset and is not part of the qualifying assets. The building was completed
        at the end of March, 20X2, and during the period the following payments were made to the contractor:

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