Page 32 - 20. COMPILER QB - INDAS 102
P. 32

Q22. (December 21 – 6 Marks) – (Similar to Q.13)

        On 1st April, 2020.21, Grocery limited gave options to its key management personnel (employees) to take
        either cash equivalent to 650 shares or 810 shares. The minimum service requirement is 2 years and shares

        being taken must be kept for 4 years.
                      Fair values of the shares are as follows:                             Rs.

                      Share alternative fair value (with restrictions)                      460
                      Grant date fair value on 1st April, 2020.21                           480
                      Fair value on 31st March, 20X2                                        530

                      Fair Value on 31st March, 20X3                                        560
                      The employees exercise their cash option at the end of 2021-2022. Pass the journal entries.

                                                        1st April, 2020-21   31st March,      31st March,
                                                                               20X2             20X3
                                                               Rs.              Rs.              Rs.
               Equity alternative (860 x 460)               3,72,600

               Cash alternative (650 x 480)                  3,12,000
               Equity  option  (3,72,600 – 3,12,000)         60,600

               Cash    Option   (cumulative)                              (650 x 530 x ½)
               (using period end fair value)                                  1,72,250          1,91,750
               Equity Option (cumulative)                                  (40,000 x ½)         30,300

               Expense for the period
               Equity option                                                  30,300            30,300

               Cash Option                                                    1,72,250          1,91,750
               Total                                                         2,02,550          2,22,050

                                                     Journal Entries
                    31st March, 2021                                                          Rs.

                    Employee benefits expenses                              Dr.   2,02,550
                        To  Share  based  payment  reserve                                   30,300

                        To Share based payment liability                                     1,72,250

                    (Recognition of Equity option and cash settlement option)
                    31st March, 20X3

                    Employee benefits expenses                              Dr.   2,22,050
                        To  Share  based  payment  reserve                                     30,300

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