Page 2 - 24. COMPILER QB - IND AS 24
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INDAS – 24

                               RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURES

                                          (TOTAL NO. OF QUESTIONS – 8)


                               S.No.                 Particulars                  Page No.
                                 1                  RTP Questions                   24.1

                                2                  MTP Questions                    24.5

                                                  RTPs QUESTIONS

        Q1 (RTP May 18 & MTP May 20)

        Mr. Atul is an independent director of a company X Ltd. He plays a vital role in the Management of X Ltd.
        and  contributes in  the major  decision-making process  of the  organisation.  X  Ltd.  pays  a  sitting fee  of  Rs

        2,00,000 to him for every Board of Directors’ (BOD) meeting he attends. Throughout the year, X Ltd. had 5
        such meetings which were attended by Mr. Atul.
        Similarly, a non-executive director, Mr. Naveen also attended 5 BOD meetings and charged Rs 1,50,000 per
        meeting. The Accountant of X Ltd. believes that they being not the employees of the organisation, their fee
        should not be disclosed as per related party transaction in accordance with Ind AS 24.
        Examine  whether  the  sitting  fee  paid  to  independent  director  and  non-executive  director  is  required  to  be

        disclosed in the financial statements prepared as per Ind AS?

        As per Ind AS 24, Related Party Disclosures, “Key management personnel are those persons having authority
        and  responsibility  for  planning,  directing  and  controlling  the  activities  of  the  entity,  directly  or  indirectly,
        including any director (whether executive or otherwise) of that entity.”
        Accordingly,  key  management  personnel  (KMP)  includes  any  director  of  the  entity  who  has  authority  and
        responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the entity. Hence, independent director

        Mr. Atul and non-executive director Mr. Naveen are covered under the definition of KMP in accordance with
        Ind AS.
        Also as per Ind AS 19, ‘Employee Benefits’, an employee may provide services to an entity on a full-time,
        part-time, permanent, casual or temporary basis. For the purpose of the Standard, Employees include directors

        and other management personnel.
        Therefore, contention of the Accountant is wrong that they are not employees of X Ltd.
        The Ind AS requires disclosure about employee benefits for key management personnel. Therefore, an entity

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