Page 7 - 24. COMPILER QB - IND AS 24
P. 7

Paragraph 113 off Ind as 1 presentation of financial statements stated as under:
        “An entity shall present notes in a systematic manner. An entity shall cross-reference each line items in

        the balance sheet and in the statement of profit and loss, and in the statement of changes in equity and of
        cash flow to any related information in the notes.”
        Therefore, the company shall cross-reference the software licensing expenses recognized in profit or loss and
        prepared expenses recognized in the balance sheet to the notes disclosing related party transactions.

        Q7 (August 18 – 4 Marks)
        Mr. X has a 100% investment in A Ltd. He is also a member of the key management personnel (KMP) of B

        Ltd. B Ltd has a 100% investment in C Ltd.
        Examine related party relationships of A Ltd., as per Ind AS 24, in the financial statements of C Ltd.

        Ind AS 24 defines the term “key management personnel” as persons having authority and responsibility for
        planning,  directing  and  controlling  the  activities  of  the  entity  directly  or  indirectly,  including  any  director
        (whether  executive  or  not).  Further,  significant  influence  is  the  power  to  participate  in  the  financial  and
        operating policy decisions of the investee but is not control or joint control of those policies.

        Therefore, a key management personnel (KMP) has significant influence over the entity. Accordingly, Mr. X
        has significant influence over B Ltd. since he is a key management personnel of B Ltd.
        Now, the standard states that an entity is related to a reporting entity if the person identified  (here KMP ie.
        Mr. X) has significant influence over the entity or is a member of the key management personnel of the
        entity (or of a parent of the entity)”
        Therefore, if C Ltd. is a reporting entity, A Ltd. is related to C Ltd. because a key management personnel of

        parent B Limited has control over A Limited. Therefore, the relationship of C Ltd. and A Ltd. will be “Entities
        controlled by key management personnel of the Parent Entity”.

        Q8 (March 19 – 4 Marks)
        An Indian company has a parent company outside India. Parent company negotiates software licenses with end

        vendor and based on number of licences, parent company get its reimbursement from Indian company. Say,
        license  cost  of  Rs.  12  Lac  is  charged  for  calendar  year  of  2018.  Parent  company  generates  is  invoice  in
        February 18. Indian company accounts full invoice on February 18 and then for Indian financial year, accounts
        Reimbursement expense of Rs. 3. 00 Lac during FY 1718 (for licensing cost relating to period January 18 to

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