Page 4 - 24. COMPILER QB - IND AS 24
P. 4


        Ongoing through the queries raised by the Managing Director Mr. Y, the financial controller Mr. X explained
        the notes and reasons for their disclosures as follows:
        Related parties are generally characterised by the presence of control or influence between the two parties. Ind
        AS  24  ‘Related  Party  Disclosures’  identifies  related  parties  as,  inter  alia,  key  management  personnel  and

        companies controlled by key management personnel. On this basis, PQR Ltd. is a related party of ABC Ltd.
        The  transaction  is  required  to  be  disclosed  in  the  financial  statements  of  ABC  Ltd.  since  Mr.  Y  is  Key
        Management personnel of ABC Ltd. Also at the same time, it owns 100% shares of PQR Ltd. i.e. he controls
        PQR Ltd. This implies that PQR Ltd. is a related party of ABC Ltd.
        Where transactions occur with related parties, Ind AS 24 requires that details of the transactions are disclosed

        in a note to the financial statements. This is required even if the transactions are carried out on an arm’s
        length basis.
        Transactions  with  related  parties  are  material  by  their  nature,  so  the  fact  that  the  transaction  may  be
        numerically insignificant to ABC Ltd. does not affect the need for disclosure.

        Q4 (Nov 19)
        Uttar Pradesh State Government holds 60% shares in PQR Limited and 55% shares in ABC Limited.  PQR

        Limited has two subsidiaries namely P Limited and Q Limited. ABC Limited has two subsidiaries namely A
        Limited and B Limited. Mr. KM is one of the Key management personnel in PQR Limited·
        (a)  Determine the entity to whom exemption from disclosure of related party transactions is to be given. Also
             examine the transactions and with whom such exemption applies.
        (b)  What are the disclosure requirements for the entity which has availed the exemption?

         (a) As  per  Ind  AS  24,  ‘Related  Party  Disclosures’,  if  an  entity  had  related  party  transactions  during  the
            periods covered by the financial statements, it shall disclose the nature of the related party relationship

            as  well  as  information  about  those  transactions  and  outstanding  balances,  including  commitments,
            necessary for users to understand the potential effect of the relationship on the financial statements.
             However, as per the standard a reporting entity is exempt from the disclosure requirements in relation to
             related party transactions and outstanding balances, including commitments, with:
             (i)  a government that has control or joint control of, or significant influence over, the reporting entity;

             (ii)  another entity that is a related party because the same government has control or joint control of, or
                 significant influence over, both the reporting entity and the other entity.

        According to the above paras, for Entity P’s financial statements, the exemption in paragraph 25 applies to:

        (i)  transactions with Government Uttar Pradesh State Government; and
        (ii)  transactions with Entities PQR and ABC and Entities Q, A and B.
             Similar exemptions are available to Entities PQR, ABC, Q, A and B, with the transactions with the UP
             State  Government  and  other  entities  controlled  directly  or  indirectly  by  the  UP  State  Government.
             However, that exemption does not apply to transactions with Mr. KM. Hence, the transactions with Mr.
             KM need to be disclosed under related party transactions.

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