Page 4 - 26. COMPILER QB - IND AS 113
P. 4

Q2 (Nov. 21 & Also Newly Added in ICAI May 22 Module)

        On 1st January, 20X1, A Ltd assumed a decommissioning liability in a business combination. The reporting
        entity is legally required to dismantle and remove an offshore oil platform at the end of its useful life, which
        is estimated to be 10 years. The following information is relevant:
        If A Ltd was contractually allowed to transfer its decommissioning liability to a market participant, it

        concludes that a market participant would use all of the following inputs, probability weighted as appropriate,
        when estimating the price it would expect to receive:
        a.  Labour costs
           Labour costs are developed based on current marketplace wages, adjusted for expectations of future wage
           increases,  required  to  hire  contractors  to  dismantle  and  remove  offshore  oil  platforms.  A  Ltd.  assigns

           probability to a range of cash flow estimates as follows:
                              Cash Flow Estimates:        100 Cr       125 Cr       175 Cr
                              Probability:                25%           50%          25%
         b. Allocation of overhead costs:

        Assigned at 80% of labour cost
        c. The compensation that a market participant would require for undertaking the activity and for assuming
           the  risk  associated  with  the  obligation  to  dismantle  and  remove  the  asset.  Such  compensation  includes
           both of the following:

        i.  Profit on labour and overhead costs:
           A  profit  mark-up  of  20%  is  consistent  with  the  rate  that  a  market  participant  would  require  as
           compensation for undertaking the activity
        ii. The risk that the actual cash outflows might differ from those expected, excluding inflation:
        A Ltd. estimates the amount of that premium to be 5% of the expected cash flows. The expected cash flows
        are ‘real cash flows’ / ‘cash flows in terms of monetary value today’.

        d.  Effect of inflation on estimated costs and profits

           A Ltd. assumes a rate of inflation of 4 percent over the 10 -year period based on available market data.
        e.  Time value of money, represented by the risk-free rate: 5%
        f.  Non-performance risk relating to the risk that Entity A will not fulfill the obligation, including A Ltd.’s
            own credit risk: 3.5%
            A Ltd, concludes that its assumptions would be used by market participants. In addition, A Ltd. does not
            adjust its fair value measurement for the existence of a restriction preventing it from transferring the

        You are required to calculate the fair value of the asset retirement obligation.

                                        Particulars                         Workings        Amount
                                                                                            (In Cr)
                      Expected Labour Cost (Refer W.N.)                                      131.25
                      Allocated Overheads                               (80% x 131.25 Cr)    105.00
                      Profit markup on Cost                            (131.25 + 105) x 20%   47.25
                      Total Expected Cash Flows before inflation                             283.50
                      Inflation factor for next 10 years (4%)            (1.04)10 =1.4802
                      Expected cash flows adjusted for inflation         283.50 x 1.4802     419.65
                                                                                                       26. 3
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