Page 8 - 26. COMPILER QB - IND AS 113
P. 8

                             Price receivable                                        75

                             Less: Transportation cost                              (6)
                             Fair value of the asset                                 69

        Q6 (November 19 – 8 Marks)
        An asset is sold in two different active markets at different prices. Manor Ltd. enters into transactions in

        both markets and can access the price in those markets for the asset at the measurement date.
        In the Mumbai market, the price that would be received is Rs 290, transaction costs in that market are Rs 40
        and the costs to transport the asset to that market are Rs 30. Thus, the net amount that would be received
        is Rs 220.
        In the Kolkata market the price that would be received is Rs 280, transaction costs in that market are Rs 20
        and the costs to transport the asset to that market are Rs 30. Thus, the net amount that would be received

        in Kolkata market is Rs 230.
        (i)  What should be the fair value of the asset if Mumbai Market is the principal market? What should be
             fair value if none of the markets is a principal market?
        (ii)  The net realization after expenses is more in the export market, say Rs 280, but the Government allows

             only 15% of the production to be exported out of India. Discuss what would be fair value in such a case.

        a)  If Mumbai Market is the principal market
        If Mumbai Market is the principal market for the asset (i.e., the market with the greatest volume and level of
        activity for the asset), the fair value of the asset would be measured using the price that would be received
        in that market, after taking into account transportation costs.

        Fair value will be
                                      Price receivable                        290
                                      Less: Transportation cost               (30)

                                      Fair value of the asset                 260
        (b)  If neither of the market is the principal market

             If neither of the markets is the principal market for the asset, the fair value of the asset would be
             measured using the price in the most advantageous market. The most advantageous market is the market
             that maximises the amount that would be received to sell the asset, after taking into account transaction
             costs and transportation costs (i.e., the net amount that would be received in the respective markets).
                                                                            Rs         Rs

                                                                         Mumbai      Kolkata
                                                                          Market     Market
                            Fair value of the asset as per the question    220         230

             Since the entity would maximise the net amount that would be received for the asset in Kolkata Market
             i.e., Rs 230, the fair value of the asset would be measured using the price in Kolkata Market.
             Fair value in such a case would be
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