Page 7 - 26. COMPILER QB - IND AS 113
P. 7


        Q5 (November 18 – 5 Marks)

        An asset is sold in 2 different active markets at different prices. An entity enters into transactions in both
        markets and can access the price in those markets for the asset at the measurement date.
        In Market A:
        The  price  that  would  be  received  is  Rs.  78,  transaction  costs  in  that  market  are  Rs.  9  and  the  costs  to

        transport the asset to that market are Rs. 6.
        In Market B:
        The  price  that  would  be  received  is  Rs.  75,  transaction  costs  in  that  market  are  Rs.  3  and  the  costs  to
        transport the asset to that market are Rs. 6.
        You are required to calculate:
        i)  The fair value of the asset, if market A is the principal market, and

        ii) The fair value of the asset, if none of the markets is principal.

                                          (I)   If Market A is the principal market
        If Market A is the principal market for the asset (i.e., the market with the greatest volume and level of

        activity for the asset), the fair value of the asset would be measured using the price that would be received
        in that market, after taking into account transport costs.
        Fair Value of the asset will be

                                   Price receivable                              78
                                   Less: Transportation cost                    (6)
                                   Fair value of the asset                       72

                                   (ii)   If neither of the market is the principal market

        If neither of the markets is the principal market for the asset, the fair value of the asset would be measured
        using  the  price  in  the  most  advantageous  market.  The  most  advantageous  market  is  the  market  that
        maximises the amount that would be received to sell the asset, after taking into account transaction costs
        and transport costs (i.e., the net amount that would be received in the respective markets).
        Determination of most advantageous market:

                                                                           Rs                Rs
                                                                        Market A          Market B
                   Price receivable                                        78                75

                   Less: Transaction cost                                  (9)               (3)
                   Less: Transportation cost                               (6)               (6)
                   Fair value of the asset                                 63                66

        Since the entity would maximise the net amount that would be received for the asset in Market B i.e. Rs66,
        the fair value of the asset would be measured using the price in Market B.
        Fair value of the asset will be

                                                                                                       26. 6
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10