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Impairment loss A/c (W.N.2)                 Dr.         2,47,059
                             To Warehouse or Accumulated depreciation A/c                  2,47,059
                     (Being  impairment  loss  recognised  due  to  discovery  of
                     structural  fault  in  the  construction  of  warehouse  at  31st
                     December 2019)
        a)  The damage to the warehouse is an adjusting event (occurred after the end of the year 2019) for the

            reporting  period  2019,  since  it  provides  evidence  that  the  structural  fault  existed  at  the  end  of  the
            reporting period. It is an adjusting event, in spite of the fact that fault has been discovered after the
            reporting date.
            The effects of the damage to the warehouse are recognised in the year 2019 reporting period. Prior periods
            will  not  be  adjusted  because  those  financial  statements  were  prepared  in  good  faith  (eg.  regarding
            estimate of useful life, assessment of impairment indicators etc) and had not affected the financials of

            prior years.
           b)  Damage of inventory due to seepage of rainwater Rs. 1,00,000 occurred during the year 2020. It is a
               non-adjusting  event  after  the  end  of  the  2019  reporting  period  since  the  inventory  was  in  good
               condition at 31st December 2019. Hence, no accounting has been done for it in the year 2019.
               H Ltd. must disclose the nature of the event (i.e. rain-damage to inventories) and an estimate of the

               financial  effect  (i.e.  Rs.  1,00,000  loss)  in  the  notes  to  its  31st  December  2019  annual  financial
        iii) If the damage to the warehouse had been caused by an event that occurred after 31st December 2019 and
            was not due to structural fault, then it would be considered as a non-adjusting event after the end of the
            reporting period 2019 as the warehouse would have been in a good condition at 31st December 2019.

        Working Notes:
            1.  Calculation of additional depreciation to be charged in the year 2019
                       Original depreciation as per SLM already charged during the year 2019
                       = ₹ 10,00,000/ 30 years = ₹ 33,333.

                       Carrying value at the end of 2018 = 10,00,000 – (₹ 33,333 x 3 years)
                       = ₹ 9,00,000 Revised depreciation = 9,00,000 / 17 years = ₹ 52,941
                       Additional depreciation to be recognised in the books in the year 2019
                       = ₹ 52,941 – ₹ 33,333 = ₹ 19,608
            2.  Calculation of impairment loss in the year 2019
                       Carrying value after charging depreciation for the year 2019

                       = ₹ 9,00,000 – ₹ 52,941 = ₹ 8,47,059
                       Recoverable value of the warehouse = ₹ 6,00,000
                       Impairment  loss  =  Carrying  value  -  Recoverable  value  =  ₹  8,47,059  -  ₹  6,00,000  =  ₹

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