Page 8 - 29. COMPILER QB - IND AS 10
P. 8


        Q7 (November 19 – 8 Marks)

        Discuss  with  reasons whether  these  events  are  in  nature  of  adjusting  or  non-adjusting  and  the treatment
        needed in light of accounting standard Ind AS 10.
        (i)  Moon Ltd. won an arbitration award on 25th April, 2019 for Rs. 1 crore. From the arbitration proceeding,
             it was evident that the Company is most likely to win the arbitration award. The directors approved the

             financial statements for the year ending 31.03.2019 on 1st May, 2019. The management did not consider
             the effect of the above transaction in Financial Year 2018-2019, as it was favourable to the Company
             and the award came after the end of the financial year.
        (ii)  Zoom Ltd. has a trading business of Mobile telephones. The Company has purchased 1000 mobiles phones
             at Rs 5,000 each on 15th March, 2019. The manufacturers of the phone had announced the release of the
             new version on 1stMarch, 2019 but had not announced the price. Zoom Ltd. has valued inventory at cost

             of Rs 5,000 each at the year ending 31st March, 2019.
                Due to the arrival of a new advanced version of Mobile Phone on 8th April, 2019, the selling prices of
                the mobile stocks remaining with the Company were dropped at Rs 4,000 each.
                The  financial  statements  of  the  company  valued  mobile  phones @ Rs  5,000  each  and  not  at the

                value @ Rs 4,000 less expenses on sales, as the price reduction in selling price was affected after
        (iii) There was an old due from a debtor amounting to Rs 15 lakh against whom insolvency proceedings was
             instituted prior to the financial year ending 31st March, 2019. The debtor was declared insolvent on 15th
             April, 2019.
        (iv) Assume that subsequent to the year end and before the financial statements are approved, Company’s

             management announces that it will restructure the operation of the company. Management plans to make
             significant redundancies and to close a few divisions of the company's business; however, there is no
             formal  plan  yet.  Should  management  recognise  a  provision  in  the  books,  if  the  company  decides
             subsequent to the end of the accounting year to restructure its operations?

        As per Ind AS 10, the treatment of stated issues would be as under:

        (i)  Adjusting event: It is an adjusting event as it is the settlement after the reporting period of a court
             case that confirms that the entity had a present obligation at the end of the reporting period. Even
             though winning of award is favorable to the company, it should be accounted in its books as receivable
             since it is an adjusting event.
        (ii)  Adjusting event:  The  sale  of  inventories  after  the  reporting  period  may give  evidence  about their  net

             realizable value at the end of the reporting period; hence it is an adjusting event as per Ind AS 10. Zoom
             Limited should value its inventory at Rs 40,00,000. Hence, appropriate provision must be made for Rs 15
        (iii) Adjusting event: As per Ind AS 10, the receipt of information after the reporting period indicating that
             an asset was impaired at the end of the reporting period, or that the amount of a previously recognised
             impairment loss for that asset needs to be adjusted.

        The bankruptcy of a customer that occurs after the reporting period usually confirms that the customer was
        credit-impaired at the end of the reporting period.
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