Page 4 - 31. COMPILER QB - CSR
P. 4


        Q3 (April 18)

        Discuss whether any unspent amount of CSR expenditure is to be provided for?

        Section 135 (5) of Companies Act, 2013, requires that the board of every eligible company, “shall ensure
        that the company spends, in every financial year, at least 2% of the average net profit of the company
        made  during  the  three  immediately  preceding  financial  years,  in  pursuance  of  its  Corporate  Social
        Responsibility Policy”. A proviso to this section states that “if the company fails to spend such amount, the
        Board shall, in its report specify the reason for not spending the amount”.

        Further, Rule 8(1) of the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rules, 2014, prescribes that
        the board report of a company under these Rules shall include an Annual Report of CSR, in the prescribed

        The  above  provisions  of  the  Act/Rules  clearly  lay  down  that  the  expenditure  on  CSR  activities  is  to  be

        disclosed only in the Board’s report in accordance with Rules made thereunder.
        In view of this, no provision for the amount which is not spent, (i.e., any shortfall in the amount that was

        expected to be spent as per the provisions of the Act on CSR activities and the amount actually spent at the
        end of a reporting period) may be made in the financial statements. The proviso to section 135 (5) of the

        Act, makes it clear that if the specified amount is not spent by the company during the year, the Directors’
        Report should disclose the reason for not spending the amount.

        However, if a company has already undertaken certain CSR activity for which a liability has been incurred by
        entering into a contractual obligation, then in accordance with the generally accepted principles of accounting,

        a provision for the amount representing the extent to which the CSR activity was completed during the year,

        needs to be recognised in the financial statements.

        Q4 (August 18)

        State whether any unspent amount of CSR expenditure (any shortfall in the amount that was expected to be
        spent as per the provisions of the Companies Act on CSR activities) at the reporting date shall be provided
        for? Also state in case the excess amount has been spent (ie more than what is required as per the provisions

        of the Companies Act on CSR activities), can it be carry forward to set-off against future CSR expenditure

        (i)  Treatment of any unspent amount of CSR expenditure
        Since the expenditure on CSR activities is to be disclosed  only in the Board’s Report, no provision for the
        amount  which  is  not  spent,  (i.e.,  any  shortfall  in  the  amount  that  was  expected  to  be  spent  as  per  the
        provisions of the Act on CSR activities and the amount actually spent at the end of a reporting period) may
        be made in the financial statements.

        The Act requires that if the specified amount is not spent by the company during the year, the Directors’
        Report should disclose the reasons for not spending the amount.

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