Page 7 - 31. COMPILER QB - CSR
P. 7

D.  In the given scenario
        The MCA has clarified that ‘any financial year’ referred to under sub-section (1) of section 135 of the Act

        read with Rule 3(2) of Companies CSR Rule, 2014, implies ‘any of the three preceding financial years’.
        A  company  which  meets  the  ‘net  worth’,  ‘turnover’  or  ‘net  profits’  criteria  in  any  of  the  preceding  three
        financial  years,  but  which  does  not  meet  the  criteria  in  the  relevant  financial  year,  is  still  required  to
        constitute a CSR Committee and comply with provisions of sections 135 of the Companies Act, 2013.
        As per the criteria to constitute CSR committee -

        1.  Net worth greater than or equal to Rs 500 Crore: This criterion is not satisfied.
        2.  Sales greater than or equal to Rs 1000 Crore: This criterion is not satisfied.
        3.  Net Profit greater than or equal to Rs 5 Crore: This criterion is satisfied in the financial year ended March
            31, 2017 when the net profit was Rs 8 crore.
        Hence, the XYZ Ltd. is required to form a CSR committee.

        Q6 (Nov 18 – 4 Marks)
        Baby Limited manufactures consumable goods for infants like bath soap, cream, powder, oil etc. As part of its

        CSR policy, it has decided that for every pack of these goods sold, Rs0.75 will go towards the "Swachh Bharat
        Foundation"  which  will  qualify  as  a  CSR  spend  as  per  Schedule  VII.  Consequently,  at  the  year  end,  the
        company sold 40,000 such packs and a total of Rs 30,000 was recognized as CSR expenditure. However, this
        amount was not paid to the Foundation at the end of the financial year. Will the amount of Rs 30,000 qualify

        to be CSR expenditure?
        Baby  Ltd.  has  earmarked  75  paise  per  pack  to  spend  as  CSR  activities.  However,  only  by  earmarking  the

        amount from such sales for CSR expenditure, the company cannot show it as CSR expenditure. To qualify the
        amount as CSR expenditure, it has to be spent. Hence, Rs30,000 will not be automatically considered as CSR
        expenditure till the time it is spent on CSR activities i.e it is deposited to ‘Swachh Bharat Foundation’.

        Q7 (Jan 21 – 4 Marks)
        Sun Shine Limited is a company which seems to be covered under the ambit of CSR rules. As part of its CSR
        contribution an amount of Rs. 40,000 p.m. was spent by way of adoption of 2 families of drought hit areas.

        The average net profits of immediately preceding the financial year was Rs. 1,80,00,000. Please note that the
        company commenced its commercial activities only on the first day of the immediately preceding financial
        year. The Accountant of the company says that CSR provisions are not applicable to his company since it is
        one year old and in case if it is applicable he wants to carry forward the excess amount spent on account of
        CSR activities to future years.

        You are required to comment with the figures, whether the contention of the Accountant is correct in context
        of CSR provisions?

        As per section 135 of the Companies Act 2013, every company having either
        ●   net worth of Rs. 500 crore or more, or
        ●   turnover of Rs. 1,000 crore or more or

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