Page 8 - 32. ANALYSIS OF FS
P. 8

                                                                                 Reserves & Surplus
                                                                                  Retained Earnings
                      As at 31st March, 2019                                             -
                      Profit for the year                                             2,50,500

                      Other comprehensive income for the year                           700
                      Total comprehensive income for the year                         2,51,200
                      Less: Dividend on equity shares (refer note – 4)                   -
                      As at 31st March, 2020                                          2,51,200

        Proposed dividend on equity shares is subject to the approval of the shareholders of the company at the
        annual general meeting and not recognized as liability as at the Balance Sheet date. (refer note-4)

        1.  Current investments are held for the purpose of trading. Hence, it is a financial asset classified as FVTPL.
           Any gain in its fair value will be recognised through profit or loss. Hence, Rs. 20,000 (50,000 – 30,000)
           increase in fair value of financial assets will be recognised in profit and loss.
        2.  Assets for which the future economic benefit is the receipt of goods or services, rather than the right to

           receive cash or another financial asset, are not financial assets.
        3.  Liabilities for which there is no contractual obligation to deliver cash or other financial assets to another
           entity, are not financial liabilities.
        4.  As per Ind AS 10, ‘Events after the Reporting Period’, If dividends are declared after the reporting period
           but before the financial statements are approved for issue, the dividends are not recognized as a liability
           at the end of the reporting period because no obligation exists at that time. Such dividends are disclosed

           in the notes in accordance with Ind AS 1, Presentation of Financial Statements.
        5.  Other current financial liabilities:
                      Balance of other current liabilities as per financial statements       45,000
                      Less: Dividend declared for FY 2019 - 2020 (Note – 4)                 (15,000)
                           Reclassification  of  government  statutory  dues  payable  to  ‘other
                           current liabilities’                                             (15,000)
                      Closing balance                                                        15,000

        Working Note:
        Calculation of deferred tax on temporary differences as per Ind AS 12 for financial year 2019 – 2020:
                               Item                Carrying        Tax     Differenc    DTA / DTL @
                                                    amount        base         e         30% (Rs.)
                                                     (Rs.)        (Rs.)      (Rs.)
                    Property, Plant and Equipment   1,00,000     80,000     20,000       6,000-DTL
                    Pre-incorporation expenses        Nil        24,000     24,000       7,200-DTA
                    Current Investments              50,000      30,000     20,000       6,000-DTL
                                                                           Net DTA       4,800-DTL

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