Page 17 - 34.2 FR MARCH 22 MTP ANSWER
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current carrying value of the loan. As per requirements of Ind AS 109, any change of more than 10% shall be
        considered a substantial modification, resulting in fresh accounting for the new loan:
                    Date               Cash flows        Interest outflow  Discount         PV of cash
                                       (principal)       @15%              factor                flows

                    31 Mar 20X3           (400,000,000)
                    31 Mar 20X4             40,000,000       60,000,000      0.8969      89,686,099
                    31 Mar 20X5             40,000,000       54,000,000      0.8044      75,609,805
                    31 Mar 20X6             40,000,000       48,000,000      0.7214      63,483,092
                    31 Mar 20X7             40,000,000       42,000,000      0.6470      53,053,542
                    31 Mar 20X8             40,000,000       36,000,000      0.5803      44,100,068
                    31 Mar 20X9             40,000,000       30,000,000      0.5204      36,429,133
                    31 Mar 20Y0             40,000,000       24,000,000      0.4667      29,871,422
                    31 Mar 20Y1             40,000,000        18,000,000     0.4186      24,278,903
                    31 Mar 20Y2             40,000,000        12,000,000     0.3754      19,522,235
                    31 Mar 20Y3             40,000,000        6,000,000      0.3367      15,488,493
                    Present Value (PV) of new contractual cash flows discounted at 11.50%   451,522,791
                    Carrying amount of loan                                                397,489,650
                    Difference                                                               54,033,141

                    Percentage of carrying amount                                              13.59%
        Note: Calculation above done on full decimal, though in the table discount factor is limited to 4 decimals.
        Considering a more than 10% change in PV of cash flows compared to the carrying value of the loan, the
        existing loan shall be considered to have been extinguished and the new loan shall be accounted for as a
        separate financial liability.  The accounting entries for the same are included below:

                  d.   31st March, 20X3 – Accounting for extinguishment

                     Particulars                                       Dr. Amount          Cr. Amount
                                                                       (Rs.)                    (Rs.)
                      Loan from bank (old) A/c            Dr.             397,489,650
                      Finance cost (profit and loss)      Dr.               2,510,350
                            To Loan from bank (new) A/c                                   400,000,000
                     (Being new loan accounted for at its principal amount
                     in absence of any transaction costs directly related to
                     such  loan  and  correspondingly  a  de-recognition  of
                     existing loan)

                  e.   31st March, 20X4
                      Particulars                                       Dr. Amount     Cr. Amount
                                                                           (Rs.)          (Rs.)
                      Loan from bank A/c                  Dr.           40,000,000
                      Interest expense (profit and loss)   Dr.          60,000,000
                           To Bank A/c                                                 100,000,000
                      (Being  first  instalment  of  the  new  loan  and
                      payment of interest accounted for as an adjustment
                      to the amortised cost of loan)

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