P. 2


                                   FINAL COURSE: GROUP – I

                          PAPER – 1: FINANCIAL REPORTING

        Question 1
        (a) A Limited has prepared the following draft balance sheet as on 31st March 20X1:
                                                                                      (Rs. in crore)
                      Particulars                                            31st March,  31st March,
                                                                                20X1        20X0
                      Cash                                                      250          170
                      Cash equivalents                                           70          30
                      Non-controlling interest’s share of profit for the year   160         150
                      Dividend declared and paid by A Limited Accounts receivable   90       70
                      Inventory at cost                                        2,300        1,800
                      Inventory at fair value less cost to complete and sell    1,500       1,650
                      Investment property                                       180         130
                      Property, plant and equipment (PPE) at cost               3,100       3,100
                                                                               5,200        4,700
                      Total                                                    12,850      11,800

                      CLAIMS AGAINST ASSETS
                      Long term debt (Rs. 500 crore due on 1st January each year)   3,300   3,885
                      Interest accrued on long term debt (due in less than 12   260         290
                      months) Share Capital                                     1,130       1,050
                      Retained earnings at the beginning of the year Profit for the   1,875   1,740
                      year                                                      1,200       830
                      Non-controlling interest Accumulated depreciation on PPE   830        540
                      Provision for doubtful receivables Trade payables         1,610       1,240
                      Accrued expenses                                          200          65
                      Warranty provision (for 12 months from the date of sale)   880        790
                      Environmental restoration provision (restoration expected in   15      30
                      20X6)                                                     600         445
                      Provision for accrued leave (due within 12 months)        765         640
                      Dividend payable
                                                                                 35          25
                                                                                150         230
                      Total                                                    12,850      11,800
        Prepare a consolidated balance sheet using current and non-current classification in accordance with Ind AS 1.
        Operating cycle of the entity is 12 months.

        (b) Lessee enters into a 10-year lease for 5,000 square metres of office space. The annual lease payments are

            Rs. 1,00,000 payable at the end of each year. The interest rate implicit in the lease cannot be readily
            determined. Lessee’s incremental borrowing rate at the commencement date is 6% p.a. At the beginning
            of Year 7, Lessee and Lessor agree to amend the original lease by extending the contractual lease term by
            four years. The annual lease payments are unchanged (i.e., Rs. 1,00,000 payable at the end of each year

                                                                                                        35. 1
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