P. 4

6.  Depreciation amounts for coating and others are Rs. 10,00,00,000 and Rs. 3,00,00,000 respectively.
        7.  Capital expenditure for coating and others are Rs. 50,00,00,000 and Rs. 20,00,00,000 respectively.
        8.  Revenue from outside India is Rs. 6,20,00,00,000 and segment asset outside India Rs. 1,00,00,00,000.

        Based on the above information, how X Ltd. would disclose information about reportable segment revenue,
        profit or loss, assets and liabilities for financial year 20X1 -20X2?

        Question 3

        (a) Two parties structure a joint arrangement in an incorporated entity i.e. Entity A in which each party has
            a 50% ownership interest. The purpose of the arrangement is to manufacture materials required by the
            parties  for  their  own,  individual  manufacturing  processes.  The  arrangement  ensures  that  the  parties
            operate the facility that produces the materials to the quantity and quality specifications of the parties.
            The legal form of Entity A (an incorporated entity) through which the activities are conducted initially
            indicates that the assets and liabilities held in Entity A are the assets and liabilities of Entity A. The

            contractual arrangement between the parties does not specify that the parties have rights to the assets
            or obligations for the liabilities of Entity A. There are following other relevant facts and circumstances
            applicable in this case:
            The parties agreed to purchase all the output produced by Entity A in a ratio of 50:50. Entity A cannot
             sell any of the output to third parties, unless this is approved by the two parties to the arrangement.

             Because the purpose of the arrangement is to provide the parties with output they require, such sales to
             third parties are expected to be uncommon and not material.
            The price of the output sold to the parties is set by both parties at a level that is designed to cover the
             costs of production and administrative expenses incurred by Entity A. Based on this operating model, the
             arrangement is intended to operate at a break-even level.
        Based on the above fact pattern, determine whether the arrangement is a joint operation or a joint venture?

        Will your conclusion change in case Entity A sells all its output to third parties instead of its owners? (INDAS

        (b) On 1st April, 20X1, Star Limited has advanced a housing loan of Rs. 15 lakh to one of its employees at an

            interest rate of 6% per annum which is repayable in 5 equal annual installments along with interest at
            each year end. Employee is not required to give any specific performance against this benefit. The market
            rate of similar loan for housing finance by banks is 10% per annum.
        The accountant of the company has recognized the staff loan in the balance sheet equivalent to the amount
        of housing loan disbursed i.e. Rs. 15 lakh. The interest income for the year is recognized at the contracted
        rate in the Statement of Profit and Loss  by the company i.e. Rs. 90,000  (6% of Rs. 15 lakh).

        Analyze whether the above accounting treatment made by the accountant is in compliance with the relevant
        Ind  AS. If not,  advise  the  correct  treatment of housing loan,  interest  and  other  expenses  in  the  financial
        statements of Star Limited for the year 20X1 -20X2 along with workings and applicable Ind AS.
        You are required to explain how the housing loan should be reflected in the Ind AS compliant Balance Sheet
        of Star Limited on 31st March, 20X2. Ignore defer tax impact (INDAS 109)

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