P. 7

Question 6

        (a)                                                EITHER
        ABC Ltd. has taken a loan of USD 20,000 on 1st April, 20X1 for constructing a plant (qualifying asset) at an
        interest rate of 5% per annum payable on annual basis.
        On 1st April, 20X1, the exchange rate between the currencies i.e. USD vs Rupees was Rs. 45 per USD. The

        exchange rate on the reporting date i.e. 31st March, 20X2 is Rs. 48 per USD.
        The corresponding amount could have been borrowed by ABC Ltd. from State Bank of India in local currency
        at an interest rate of 11% per annum as on 1st April, 20X1.
        Compute the total borrowing cost to be capitalized for the construction of plant by ABC Ltd. for the period
        ending  31st  March,  20X2.  Also  explain  the  accounting  treatment    of  exchange  loss  incurred  in  the  due

        process. (INDAS 21)
        (INDAS 105) Identify which of the following is a disposal group at 31st March, 20X1:
        (1)  On  21st  March,  20X1,  XYZ  Ltd.  announced  the  Board’s  intention  to  sell  its  shares  in  a  subsidiary
             company, Alpha Ltd., contingent upon the approval of Alpha Ltd.’s shareholders. It seems unlikely that
             approval will be granted in the near future and no specific potential buyer has been identified.

        (2)  PQR  Ltd.  has  entered  into  a  contract  to  sell  the  entire  delivery  fleet  of  vehicles  operated  from  its
             warehouse to a competitor, ABC Ltd., on 14th March, 20X1. The assets will be transferred on 28th April,
             20X1 from which date the Group will outsource its delivery activities to another company, LMN Ltd.
        (3)  On 16th January, 20X1, DEF’s management and shareholders approved a plan to sell its retail business in

             Mumbai and a consultant is hired to manage the sale. As at 31 st March, 20X1 heads of agreement had
             been signed although due diligence and the negotiation of final terms are still in process. The transaction
             is expected to be completed in April, 20X1.

        (b)  M Ltd. is engaged in the business of manufacturing of bottles for pharmaceutical companies and non-
             pharmaceutical companies. It has a wholly owned subsidiary, G Ltd., which is engaged in the business of

             pharmaceuticals. G Ltd. purchases the pharmaceutical bottles from its parent company. The demand of G
             Ltd.  is  very  high  and  hence  to  cater  to  its  shortfall,  G  Ltd.  also  purchases  the  bottles  from  other
             companies. Purchases are made at the competitive prices.
        M  Ltd.  sold  pharmaceuticals  bottles  to  G  Ltd.  for  Euro  12  lacs  on  1st  February,  20X1.  The  cost  of  these
        bottles was Rs. 830 lacs in the books of M Ltd. at the time of sale. At the year-end i.e. 31st March, 20X1,

        all these bottles were lying as closing stock and payable with G Ltd.
        Euro is the functional currency of G Ltd. while Indian Rupees is the functional currency of M Ltd. Following
        additional information is available:
                  Exchange rate on 1st February, 20X1                            1 Euro = Rs. 83
                  Exchange rate on 31st March, 20X1                              1 Euro = Rs. 85
        Provide  the  accounting  treatment  for  the  above  in  books  of  M  Ltd.  and  G  Ltd.  Also  show  its  impact  on

        consolidated financial statements. Support your answer by Journal entries, wherever necessary, in the books of
        M Ltd. (INDAS 21)

        (c)  On 1st April, 20X1, Sun Ltd. has acquired 100% shares of Earth Ltd. for  Rs. 30 lakh. Sun Ltd. has 3

             cash-generating units A, B and C with fair value of Rs. 12 lakh, Rs. 8 lakh and Rs. 4 lakh respectively.
             The company recognizes goodwill of Rs. 6 lakh that relates to CGU ‘C’ only.

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