Page 112 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 112

QNO      Relying on previous year test of controls.      Old Course – (M13E, N16R, PM17, N19M, M22R)
           49.000   TITANIUM CNO—SA330.060

                    In the course of audit of Z Ltd, its auditor wants to rely on audit evidence obtained in previous audit in
                    respect of effectiveness of internal controls instead of retesting the same during the current audit. As an
                    advisor to the auditor kindly caution him about the factors that may warrant a re-test of controls.
           Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                       ▪  SA 330, ‘The Auditor’s Responses to Assessed Risks

                    Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                       ➢  Retesting Controls: - Its matter of professional judgement to decide whether to
                           retest controls and what should be length of time between retesting / Even if
                           there are no changes auditor should test controls once in every third audit. Shall
                           test some controls each audit to avoid possibility  of testing all controls in one
                           As per SA 330 changes may affect the relevance of the audit evidence obtained in previous audits
                           such that there may no longer be a basis for continued reliance. The auditor’s decision on whether
                           to  rely  on  audit  evidence  obtained  in  previous  audits  for  control  is  a  matter  of  professional
                           judgment. In addition, the length of time between retesting such controls is also a matter of
                           professional judgment.

                           If there have not been such changes, the auditor shall test the controls at least once in every third
                           audit and shall test some controls each audit to avoid the possibility of testing all the controls on
                           which  the  auditor  intends  to  rely  in  a  single  audit  period  with  no  testing  of  controls  in  the
                           subsequent two audit periods.

                       ➢  Factors affecting retesting on controls: -
                           Factors that may warrant a re-test of controls are-
                           Retesting  should  be  done  if  there  are  three  Deficiencies  in  PM’s  Computer  Deficient  Control
                           Environment  /  Deficient  General  IT  Controls  /  Deficient  Monitoring  on  Controls  /  Personnel
                           Changes / Manual Controls are Significant / Changing Circumstances.
                               •  D- Deficient Monitoring of controls. (Purchases not covered in scope of Internal Audit)
                               •  D-  A  Deficient  Control  environment.  (Poor  attitude  of  management  towards  internal
                                  control system is encouragement to wrong doers)
                               •  D- Deficient General IT-controls. (Purchase entries are ID restricted, but people use each
                                  other’s computer, and they know username passwords)
                               •  P- Personnel changes that significantly affect the application of the control. (Purchase &
                                  Store Manager Retired at the beginning of the year, they were replaced my new comers)
                               •  M- A significant Manual element to the relevant controls. (Quotation Selection & Issuing
                                  PO is subjective matter and depends on approving authority, behaviour can change over
                                  period of time)
                               •   C- Changing circumstances that indicate the need for changes in the control. (GST)

           QNO      Substantive Procedures Mandatory                                       Old Course – (N23M)
           50.250   TITANIUM CNO-- SA330.100

                    While conducting a statutory audit of “Hope Solutions Limited”, CA Y has assessed the risk of material
                    misstatement  to  be  low  at  the  financial  statement  level  and  at  the  assertion  level  due  to  a  stable,
                    established and relatively less risky business and extremely satisfactory internal controls operating in the
                    company. However, despite the low assessed risk of material misstatement, he chooses to send external
                    confirmation requests to third parties for confirmation of certain material contracts entered into with
                    them by the company. By doing so, he intends to obtain evidence regarding certain assertions contained
                    in the financial statements of the company. Do you think his approach is in accordance with Standards on
                    Auditing? Justify your answer with reasons

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