Page 107 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 107

Part 5-SA 320

           QNO     Benchmark                                    Old Course – (N13E, N17R, PM17, N18M, N20E,N22E)
           42.000   TITANIUM CNO—SA320.020

                   CA. B was appointed as the auditor of SRT Limited for the financial year 2021-22. During the course of
                   planning for the audit, CA. B intends to apply the concept of materiality for the financial statements as a
                   whole. Please guide him with respect to the factors that may affect the identification of an appropriate
                   benchmark for this purpose.

                   What benchmark should be adopted by CA. B, if SRT Limited is engaged in:
                   (i) the manufacture and sale of air conditioners and is having regular profits.
                   (ii) the construction of large infrastructure projects and incurred losses in the previous two financial years,
                   due to pandemic

                   Mr X was appointed as the auditor of M/s Easygo Ltd and intends to apply the concept of materiality for
                   the financial statements as a whole Please guide him as to the factors that may affect the identification
                   of an appropriate benchmark for this purpose.

                   You are being appointed as the auditor of X Ltd. for the first time You want to determine them materiality
                   level and for that have applied percentage to choose  benchmark  as  a  starting  point in determining
                   materiality for the financial statements as a whole. What are the factors that may affect the identification
                   of materiality while auditing?

           Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                       ▪  SA 320, Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit
                   Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws

                       ➢  Use of Benchmarks in Determining Materiality for the Financial Statements as a Whole:
                           As  per  SA  320  prescribes  the  use  of  Benchmarks  in  Determining  Materiality  for  the  Financial
                           Statements as a Whole. Determining materiality involves the exercise of professional judgment. A
                           percentage is often applied to a chosen benchmark as a starting point in determining materiality for
                           the financial statements as a whole.

                       ➢  Factors Affecting Identification of Benchmark (Apple LOVE)
                          Factors that may affect the identification of an appropriate benchmark include the following:

                          A- Attention of the users/ L- Life Cycle & Industry & Economic Environment / O- Ownership
                          Structure & Financing / V- Volatility / E- Elements of Financial Statements

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