Page 33 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
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identified that these practices were carried out since 2009 and a lot of damage has been done to the
                   environment by Abhinandan Limited. A show cause notice was already issued to Abhinandan Limited by
                   the National Green Tribunal for levying the penalty of an amount of ₹ 500 crore. The unaudited profit for
                   the financial year 2021-22 of Abhinandan Limited was ₹ 35 crore and the unaudited turnover was ₹ 100
                   crore. Upon inquiry it was identified that Abhinandan Limited has disclosed this matter in the financial
                   statements by way of footnote, the extract of which is provided below:

                   “The company has received a show cause notice from the National Green Tribunal for some potential
                   violation of environmental laws and the company’s legal department has assessed and found that the
                   judgment  would  be  in  favour  of  the  company.  Accordingly,  no  provision  has  been  created  for  such
                   In the light of the above scenario kindly provide what should be the appropriate option for the statutory
                   auditor of the company to report this matter"
          Answer  As per SA 250, “Consideration of Laws and Regulations in an Audit of Financial Statements”, the auditor is
                   required to obtain an understanding and need to evaluate the impact of other laws and regulations that do

                   not have a direct effect on the determination of the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements,
                   but compliance with which may be fundamental to the operating aspects of the business, to an entity’s
                   ability to continue its business, or to avoid material penalties (for example, compliance with the terms of an
                   operating license, compliance with regulatory solvency requirements, or compliance with environmental
                   regulations); non-compliance with such laws and regulations may therefore have a material effect on the
                   financial statements.

                   The auditor shall perform the following audit procedures to help identify instances of non - compliance with
                   other laws and regulations that may have a material effect on the financial statements:

                     (a)  Inquiring of management and, where appropriate, those charged with governance, as to whether the
                        entity is in compliance with such laws and regulations; and
                     (b)  Inspecting correspondence, if any, with the relevant licensing or regulatory authorities

                   As per Section 143(3)(j) read with Rule 11(a), the auditor is required to report whether the company has
                   disclosed the impact, if any, of pending litigations on its financial position in its financial statement.

                   As per SA 570, “Going Concern”, if the auditor concludes that management’s use of the going concern basis
                   of  accounting  is  appropriate  in  the  circumstances  but  a  material  uncertainty  exists,  the  auditor  shall
                   determine whether the financial statements:

                      (i)  Adequately disclose the principal events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the entity’s
                        ability to continue as a going concern and management’s plans to deal with these events or conditions;
                      (ii) Disclose  clearly  that  there  is  material  uncertainty  related  to  events  or  conditions  that  may  cast
                        significant doubt on the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern and, therefore, that it may be
                        unable to realize its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business.

                   If adequate disclosure about the material uncertainty is not made in the financial statements, the auditor
                   shall (a) Express a qualified opinion or adverse opinion, as appropriate, in accordance with SA 705; and (b)
                   In the Basis for Qualified (Adverse) Opinion section of the auditor’s report, state that a material uncertainty
                   exists that may cast significant doubt on the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern and that the
                   financial statements do not adequately disclose this matter.

                   In the current scenario, Abhinandan Limited has received a show cause notice from the National Green
                   Tribunal of an amount which is more than the net profit and the turnover of the company for the year. In
                   the event of an unfavourable order for Abhinandan Limited, there will be an impact on Abhinandan Limited’s
                   ability to continue as a going concern.

                   As a result, appropriate disclosure should be provided by management for such events which cast significant
                   doubt on the entity’s ability to continue as a going concern. As no appropriate disclosure has been provided
                   by Abhinandan Limited for such show cause notice, Subahu & Co. should report this matter in their audit                                                      PARAM                               2.12 | P a g e
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