Page 363 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 363

In case a member is suspended and is not holding Certificate of Practice, he cannot in any other
                          capacity take up any practice separable from his capacity to practices as a member of the Institute.
                          This is because once a member becomes a member of the Institute, he is bound by the provisions
                          of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 and its Regulations.

                      ➢  In case he files GST returns and appears as a consultant before various related authorities in his
                          capacity as a chartered accountant and a member of the Institute, having bound himself by the said
                          Act  and  its  Regulations  made  thereunder,  he  cannot  then  set  the  Regulations  at  naught  by
                          contending that even though he continues to be a member and has been punished by suspension,
                          he would be entitled to practice in some other capacity.

                          But  if  he  is  doing  so  in  any  other  capacity  such  as  GST  Consultant  wherein  his  capacity  is  not
                          chartered accountant in practice, he will not be held guilty for misconduct.

                  Part III – Case Discussion
                      ➢  In the instant case, Mr. Dice was a practicing-chartered accountant and he was ordered to surrender
                          his certificate of practice and was suspended for one year. As per Mr. Dice he is doing the work of
                          filing  GST  returns  and  has  appeared  as  a  consultant  before  various  related  authorities  as  GST
                          Consultant  which  is  not  in  capacity  of  a  practicing-chartered  accountant  rather  in  capacity  of
                          authorized representative. Any person who has been authorized to act as a GST Practitioner on
                          behalf of the concerned registered person can become authorized representative.  Mr. Dice would
                          not be allowed to represent as a Chartered Accountant before various related authorities for the
                          period he remains suspended.

                  Part IV – Conclusion
                      ➢  Accordingly, in the present case he is guilty of professional misconduct.

                         Author’s Note

                  The institute has changed this answer. Earlier it was “not guilty” and accordingly the answer was drafted.
                  However later on the answer was changed to “guilty “only in conclusion, but the overall drafting is
                  still the same which creates a lot of confusion and contradiction.

                  Removing the contradictory part will bring the required consistency in the answer.

          QNO      Sec 8-- Effect of Insolvency on CA Membership                           Old Course –(M23M)
          655.400  TITANIUM CNO-- PE.600
                  Mr. Sheetal is a practicing chartered accountant. Due to natural calamities and misfortune during the year
                  2021, he lost almost all of his wealth and became undischarged insolvent. After a few court hearings,
                  finally, in the year 2023, he was declared discharged insolvent and obtained a certificate from the court

                  stating that his insolvency was caused by misfortune without an y misconduct on his part. You are required
                  to comment on the above situation with reference to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 and Schedules
                  thereto, (especially from the point of section 8: Entry of name in Register of Members).
          Answer  Mr. Sheetal was discharged insolvent: Disabilities for the Purpose of Membership : Section 8 of the Chartered
                  Accountants Act, 1949 enumerates the circumstances under which a person is debarred from having his
                  name entered in or borne on the Register of Members, If he, being a discharged insolvent, has not obtained
                  from the court a certificate stating that his insolvency was caused by misfortune without any misconduct on
                  his part. Here it may be noted that a person who has been removed from membership for a specified period
                  shall not be entitled to have his name entered in the Register until the expiry of such period.

                  In addition, failure on the part of a person to disclose the fact that he suffers from any one of the disabilities
                  would constitute professional misconduct. The name of the person, who is found to have been subject at
                  any time to any of the disabilities discussed in section 8, can be removed from the Register of Members by
                  the Council.

                  In the given case, it is clearly stated that Mr. Sheetal was discharged insolvent, and he has also obtained from
                  the court a certificate stating that his insolvency was caused by misfortune without any misconduct on his
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