Page 364 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 364

part. Hence, Mr. Sheetal has not violated the provisions of Section 8, and he is not debarred from having his
                  name entered in the Register of Members.

          QNO     Sec 21 --Examples of Other Misconduct        Old Course – (N04E, M08R, N16E, PM17 SM17, SM21)
          656.000  TITANIUM CNO – PE.1440                                                  New Course – (SM23)
                  Write a short note on Other Misconduct.
                  A Chartered Accountant is liable for disciplinary action under section 21 of CA Act, 1949, if he is found
                  guilty of any professional or other misconduct Explain the meaning of other misconduct with the help
                  of two illustrative examples.
          Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                      ▪  Section 21 of the Chartered
                          Accountant Act
                      ▪  Part IV of First Schedule the CA
                          (Amendment Act) 2006.
                      ▪  Part III of Second Schedule in the
                          CA (Amendment Act) 2006.
                  Part II -- Requirements of Relevant
                  Standards & Laws
                      ➢  Section 21 of the
                          Chartered Accountant Act
                          •  A  member  is  liable  to
                             disciplinary   action   under
                             Section  21  of  the  Chartered
                             Accountant Act if he is found
                             guilty  of  any  professional  or
                             ‘other misconduct.

                      Other   Misconduct   has    been
                    defined under :
                      ➢  Part IV of First Schedule in
                          the  CA  (Amendment  Act)
                          •  As per Part IV of First Schedule
                             of the CA Act, a member of the
                             Institute whether in practice or
                             not,  shall  be  deemed  to  be
                             guilty of other misconduct if he

                          •  Is  held  guilty  by  any  civil  or
                             criminal  court  for  an  offence
                             which  is  punishable  with
                             imprisonment  for  a  term  not
                             exceeding six months.

                          •  In the opinion of the Council,
                             brings   disrepute   to   the
                             profession or the Institute as a
                             result of his action, whether or
                             not related to his professional

                      ➢  Part III of Second Schedule in the CA (Amendment Act) 2006.

                             (i)  As per Part III of Second Schedule to the CA Act, a member of the Institute whether in
                                 practice or not shall be deemed to be guilty of other misconduct if he Is held guilty by any

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