Page 365 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
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civil or criminal court for an offence which is punishable with imprisonment for a term
                                 exceeding six months.
                                 This provision empowers the Council to enquire any misconduct of a member even if it does
                                 not arise of professional misconduct.
                      ➢  Some  illustrative  examples,  where  a  member  may  be  found  guilty  of  “Other
                          Misconduct”, under the aforesaid provisions rendering, himself unfit to be member
                             •  Where a chartered accountant retains the books of account and documents of the client
                                 and fails to return these to the client on request without a reasonable cause.
                             •  Where a chartered accountant makes a material misrepresentation.
                             •  Where a chartered accountant uses the services of his articled or audit clerk for purposes
                                 other than professional practice
                             •  Conviction by a competent court of law for any offence under Section 8(v) of the Chartered
                                 Accountants Act 1949.
                             •  Misappropriation by office-bearer of a Regional Council of the Institute, of a large amount
                                 and utilisation thereof for his personal use.
                             •  Non-replying within a reasonable time and without a good cause to the letter of the public
                             •  Where certain assessment records of income tax department belonging to the client of
                                 Chartered  Accountant  were  found  in  the  almirah  of  the  bed-room  of  the  chartered
                             •  Where a chartered accountant had adopted coercive methods on a bank for having a loan
                                 sanctioned to him.

          QNO     Sec 21 -- Other Misconduct (Not Replying to Public Authority)             Old Course-- (N20E)
          656.500  TITANIUM CNO – PE.1440
                  Mr. P, a practicing Chartered Accountant did not reply within a reasonable time and without any cause
                  to the letter received from the local Police Station, a public authority, soliciting his suggestions as
                  regards some non-professional work. Comment with reference to Chartered Accountant Act, 1949.
          Answer  Section 21 of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 provides that a member is liable for disciplinary
                  action if he is guilty of any professional or “Other Misconduct.” Though the term “Other Misconduct”
                  has not been defined in the said Act, this provision enables the Council to enquire into any misconduct
                  of a member even if it does not arise out of his professional work.

                  This  is  considered  necessary  because  a  chartered  accountant  is  expected  to  maintain  the  highest
                  standards of integrity even in his personal affairs and any deviation from these standards even in his
                  non-professional work, would expose him to disciplinary action. The Council has also laid down that
                  among other things “non-replying within a reasonable time and without a good cause to the letter of
                  the public authorities.” would amount to “other misconduct”.

                  In the given scenario, CA. P did not reply within a reasonable time and without any cause to the
                  letter received from the local police station, a public authority regarding soliciting his suggestion as
                  regards some non-professional work. Thus, in the instant case, CA. P would be liable for disciplinary

          QNO     Sec 27 --Sec 27 (Separate branch In charge)                        Old Course – (N12M, PM17)
          657.000   TITANIUM CNO – PE.880
                  Write a short note on - Maintenance of branch offices by Chartered Accountants in practice.

          Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                      ▪  Section 27 of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949
                  Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws

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