Page 385 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 385

➢  Mr. Nigal, delivered a speech and while delivering the speech, he told to the audience that he is a
                          management expert and his firm provides services of taxation and audit at reasonable rates. He also
                          requested the audience to approach his firm of chartered accountants for these services and at the
                          request of audience he also distributed his business cards and telephone number of his firm to those
                          in the audience

                  Part IV – Conclusion
                      ➢  It is improper to use designation "Management Expert" by Mr. Nigal since neither it is a degree of a
                          University established by law in India or recognised by the Central Government nor it is a recognised
                          professional membership by the Central Government or the Council.

                          Therefore, he is deemed to be guilty of professional misconduct under both Clause (6) and Clause (7)
                          as he has used the designation “Management Expert” in his speech and also, he has made reference
                          to the services provided by his firm of Chartered Accountants at reasonable rates. Distribution of cards
                          to audience is also a misconduct in terms of Clause (6).

                  First Schedule, Part I,Cl,6 Clarification (Public Interview) [TV   Old Course – (N08R, PM17 SM17, SM21)
          QNO                                                                              New Course – (SM23)
          674.000    Interview Case]
                  TITANIUM CNO – PE.1140
                  A partner of a firm of chartered accountants during a T.V. interview handed over a bio-data of his firm
                  to the chairperson. Such bio-data detailed the standing of the international firm with which the firm was
                  associated. It also detailed the achievements of the concerned partner and his recognition as an expert in
                  the field of taxation in the country. The chairperson read out the said bio-data during the interview.
                  Discuss whether this action by the Chartered Accountant would amount to misconduct or not.
          Answer  Part I -- Relevant Laws
                      ▪  Clause (6) of Part I of First Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949

                  Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Laws
                      ➢  The clause prohibits solicitation of client or professional work either directly or indirectly by circular,
                          advertisement, personal communication or interview or by any other means since it shall constitute
                          professional misconduct.

                  Part III – Case Discussion
                      ➢  The  bio-data  was  handed  over  to  the  chairperson  during  the  T.V.  interview  by  the  Chartered
                          Accountant which included details about the firm and the achievements of the partner as an expert
                          in the field of taxation. The chairperson simply read out the same in detail about association with
                          the international firm as also the achievements of the partner and his recognition as an expert in
                          the field of taxation. Such an act would definitely lead to the promotion of the firms’ name and
                          publicity thereof as well as of the partner and as such the handing over of bio-data cannot be

                  Part IV – Conclusion
                      ➢  The partner would be held guilty of professional miscount under Clause (6) of Part I of the First
                          Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.

                  Author’s Note
                  If there is reference to word interview go for clause 6 where firm name is allowed but not highlighting
                  and publicity.

                  If there is appearance in programs of television / radio or films then firm name is not allowed.
                  If question specifies TV interview apply clause 6, as we have specific clarification about “Public Interview”

                  First Schedule, Part I,Cl,6 Clarification (Representation by   Old Course – (M15R, M16M, PM17, M18M,
          QNO     CA Under Company Act)                                                                M19M)
                  TITANIUM CNO – PE.1140
                  A special notice has been issued for a resolution at 3rd annual general meeting of Fiddle Ltd. providing
                  expressly that CA. Smart shall not be re-appointed as an auditor of the company. Consequently, CA. Smart

                  submitted  a  representation  in  writing  to  the  company  as  provided  under  section  140(4)(iii)  of  the
                  Companies Act, 2013. In the representation, CA. Smart incorporated his independent working as a

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