Page 380 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 380

The question is silent about with whom the partnership has been entered into and whether the prior
                          permission for entering into such business has been obtained.

                  Part IV – Conclusion
                      ➢  It is assumed that the persons with whom the partnership has been entered into has not been
                          allowed under the Regulations and the prior approval of the Council has not been obtained for
                          entering into such business. Hence, the Chartered Accountant shall be held guilty of professional
                          misconduct under Clause (4) and Clause (11).
                  Author’s Note
                  There is a old case where CA got permission to do business under clause 11, then that time ICAI said that it
                  means he also has permission to enter in partnership with non-CA to that particular business under clause
                  4. So, approval under clause 11 will mean approval to enter into partnership for such business

          QNO     First Schedule, Part I,Cl,6 – (Multiple Issues)                    Old Course – (N20E, SM21)
          666.050  TITANIUM CNO – PE.1140
                  Mr.  A,  a  newly  qualified  Chartered  Accountant,  started  his  practice  and  sought  clients  through
                  telephone calls from his family and friends, almost all of them employed in one or the other retail trade
                  business. One of his friends Mr. X gave him an idea to start online services and give stock certifications
                  to traders with Cash Credit Limits in Banks. Mr. A started a website with colourful catchy designs and
                  shared the website address on his all-social media posts and stories and tagged 30 traders of his
                  local community with the caption “Easy Online Stock Certification Services”. Besides, Mr. A entered
                  in an agreement with a Digital Marketer to give him 5% commission on each service procured through
                  him.  Discuss  if  the  actions  of  Mr.  A  are  valid  in  the  light  of  the  Professional  Ethics  and  various
                  pronouncements and guidelines issued by ICAI.
                  Part I -- Relevant Laws
                      ▪  Clause (6) of Part I of First Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949
                  Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Laws
                    ➢  A Chartered Accountant in practice is deemed to be guilty of professional misconduct if he solicits
                        clients  or  professional  work  either  directly  or  indirectly  by  circular,  advertisement,  personal
                        communication or interview or by any other means.

                  Part III – Case Discussion & Conclusion
                    ➢  Mr. A is wrong in seeking clients through family and friends. Creating a website is not a non-compliance
                        provided it is in line with the guidelines issued by the Institute in this regard. One of the guidelines is
                        that  the  website  should  not  be  in  push  mode.  Further,  mentioning  of  clients’  names  is  also
                        prohibited as per the guidelines.
                    ➢  In the given situation, Mr. A shared the website address on his  all-social media posts and
                        stories and tagged 30 traders of his local community with the caption “Easy Online Stock
                        Certification Services” mentioning his current clients as well. This is in complete contravention of
                        the guidelines on website issued by the ICAI.
                    ➢  Thus, CA, A would be held guilty of professional misconduct under clause 6 of Part 1 of First Schedule
                        of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.

          QNO     First Schedule, Part I,Cl,6 Advertisement (Opening Ceremony)  Old Course – (M10E, PM17 SM17, SM21)
          667.000   TITANIUM CNO – PE.1140                                                 New Course – (SM23)
                  An advertisement was published in a Newspaper containing the photograph of Mr. X, a member of

                  the institute wherein he was congratulated on the occasion of the opening ceremony of his office.

          Answer  Part I -- Relevant Laws
                      ▪  Clause (6) of Part I of First Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949

                  Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Laws
                      ➢  A Chartered Accountant in practice shall be deemed to be guilty of misconduct if he solicits clients
                          or  professional  work  either  directly  or  indirectly  by  a  circular,  advertisement,  personal
                          communication or interview or by any other means.

                  Part III – Case Discussion

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