Page 404 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 404

•  Ascertain that the appointment of new Auditor is in compliance with Section 139(8) of
                                 the  Act  as  mentioned  above  i.e.  the  resolution  appointing  the  new  auditor  has  been
                                 approved by the company in the general meeting as in the case of casual vacancy by
                  Part III – Case Discussion
                      ➢  In the given case, XYZ appoints you as the auditor and you observed that the previous auditors A &
                          Co., resigned. Also Balance Sheet as at 31-03-2015 shows an audit fee payable of ₹ 25,000.
                  Part IV – Conclusion
                      ➢  Further, Clause (8) of Part I of the First Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949, provides
                          that a member in practice shall be deemed to be guilty of professional misconduct if he accepts a
                          position as auditor previously held by another chartered accountant without first communicating
                          with him in writing. Moreover, Clause (9) of Part I of the same Schedule, provides that a member in
                          practice shall be deemed to be guilty of professional misconduct if he accepts an appointment as
                          auditor of a company without first ascertaining from it whether the requirements of Section 139
                          and 140 of the Companies Act, 2013, in respect of such appointment have been duly complied with.
                  Author’s Note
                  Answer does not contain reference of Council Guidelines 2008.

          QNO     First Schedule, Part I,Cl,8 --Communication (Undercutting / Lower Audit Fees)   Old Course – (N06E,
          702.000   TITANIUM CNO – PE.1220                                                              PM17)
                  Comment on the following with reference to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 and schedules thereto:
                  Mr. Rahul, a locally based Chartered Accountant, accepted an audit assignment at a fee lower than that

                  charged by the previous auditor, who was stationed in another town and had to spend a lot of
                  money on travel for which he did not charge separately.
          Answer      ➢  Since the previous auditor was stationed in another town and therefore, had to incur higher cost on
                          account of conveyance, and the previously the fee was decided on a composite basis inclusive of

                          travelling expenses of the auditor, it cannot be said that Mr. Rahul has accepted an audit assignment
                          based on under cutting of fees.
                          The motive of Mr. Rahul was not to get the work from previous auditor by accepting the audit
                          assignment on lower fee i.e. undercutting of fee. Because, in considering whether variation in fees
                          charged would constitute undercutting, the quantum of work; incidental and out of pocket expenses
                          and other terms of appointment should be considered.
                  Part I – Case Discussion
                      ➢  In this case, Mr. Rahul is a locally based Chartered Accountant, accepted an audit assignment at a
                          fee  lower  than  that  charged  by  the  previous  auditor,  who  was  outstation  based  Chartered
                          Accountant and had to spend a lot of money on travel which was included in his audit fee and was
                          not charged by him separately.
                  Part II – Conclusion
                      ➢  Hence, Mr. Rahul will not be held guilty for misconduct.
                  Author’s Note
                  CA Act was amended in 2006. Prior to amendment there were 13 clauses in Part I, Schedule I. One of the
                  clauses specifically prohibited undercutting. But this clause was removed in amendment. So as of now

                  undercutting is allowed. So, in this question even if there is no valid reason for undercutting it will
                  be allowed.
                  However, ICAI planning to bring the clause relating to undercutting back in future.

                  First Schedule, Part I,Cl,8 --Communication (With previous   Old Course – (M08E, N10R, M14R, PM17)
                  GST Auditor Who)
                  TITANIUM CNO – PE.1220
                  BC & Co., a firm of Chartered Accountants, accepted an assignment for audit under State level GST

                  Act, without any prior communication with the previous auditor.
          Answer  Part I -- Relevant Laws
                      ▪  Clause (8) of Part I of the First Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949

                  Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Laws

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