Page 436 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 436

Author’s Note

                  Refer note after QNO – 743.000

                   Authors Note

                          # Mistake point (QNO- 740.000/741.000/742.000/743.000)

                   Below are the  analysis of various questions related to financial forecast. Institute has given different
                   answers on the basis of words used in the question. However, students usually don’t think about it much
                   and write a common answer to all the questions related to financial forecast.
                   Following suggestions can be used to gain maximum marks in questions related to financial forecast and
                   projected financial statements.
                       ➢  Note 1
                           When  the  question  only  mentions  “Chartered  Accountant,  certifies  a  financial
                           forecast/projection of his client”
                           Here  students should try to find in the question whether something is mentioned related to
                           Vouching the accuracy of the forecast or projections?
                              •  If yes, then answer it accordingly-
                                     •  If question states CA Vouches (i.e. SAE 3400 not followed) – Guilty
                                     •  If question states CA does not Vouches (i.e. SAE 3400 followed) – Not Guilty

                              •  If nothing is mentioned in the question, then answer it accordingly-
                                  Write a conditional answer that –

                                     •  If  CA  Vouches  accuracy  for  the  forecast  or  projections,  SAE  3400  is  not
                                         followed– Guilty
                                     •  If CA does not Vouches for accuracy of the forecast or projections, SAE 3400
                                         followed– Not Guilty
                       ➢  Note 2
                           When the question mentions “Chartered Accountant, prepares & certifies a financial forecast
                           /projection of his client”
                           Answer should consist of two parts:

                              •  Preparation
                                  Preparing and at the same time examining a financial forecast /projection of his client is
                                  not allowed as per SA 3400 as it says it is the responsibility of management to prepare.
                                  Earlier  as  per  Guidance  Note  on  Accountants  Report  on  Profit  Forecasts  and/or
                                  Financial forecast it was allowed to prepare an examine at the same time, but this GN is
                                  discontinued after introduction of SAE 3400 in 2007.

                              •  Certification
                                  Same as note 1

                       ➢  Final Conclusion: -
                           As  per  SAE-Preparation  is  not  allowed  and  certification  is  allowed  subject  to  conditions
                           specified above.

                  Second Schedule, Part I, Cl 4 --Evaluation of Cost  Old Course-- (N04E, N08R, N14E, PM17, M18E, N20E)
          744.000   is Not Giving Opinion on Financial Statements
                  TITANIUM CNO – PE.1520
                  A firm of Chartered Accountants was appointed by a company to evaluate the costs of the various
                  products manufactured by it for its information system. One of the partners of the firm was a Non-
                  Executive Director of the company.
                  A firm of Chartered Accountants was appointed by a company to evaluate the costs of the various
                  products manufactured by it for its information system. One of the partners of the firm was a Non-
                  Executive Director of the company. Comment with reference to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949
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