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of relevant SA’s. Like wherever there is breach of confidentiality you should refer SA 200 also.

          QNO     Second Schedule, Part I, Cl,1 - Confidentiality                          Old Course – (M23E)
          738.500 TITANIUM CNO -- PE.1460
                  SR and Associates are the statutory auditor of ABC Ltd. Audit of the company is pending for F.Y 2021-22
                  and 2022-23 due to a dispute between auditor and company with respect to certain proposed remarks by
                  the  auditor  in  the  audit  report  for  F.Y.  2021-22.  The  company  removed  the  auditor  on  02.05.2023  in
                  shareholders meeting complying with all legal formalities. SR and Associates after coming to know about
                  the removal, intimated the Registrar of Companies (ROC) through letter highlighting the points of dispute
                  including non-existence of fixed assets, bogus creditors etc. ABC Ltd complained to ICAI against SR and
                  Associates for their above letter to ROC. Comment with reference to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949
                  and Schedules thereto.
          Answer  Clause (1) of Part I of the Second Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 states that a chartered
                  accountant in practice shall be deemed to be guilty of professional misconduct, if he discloses information
                  acquired in the course of his professional engagement to any person other than his client so engaging him,
                  without the consent of his client or otherwise than as required by any law for the time being in force.

                  An accountant, in public practice, has access to a great deal of information of his client which is of a highly
                  confidential character. It is important for the work of an accountant and for maintaining the dignity and
                  status  of  the  profession that  he  should  treat  such  information  as  having  been  provided  to  him,  only to
                  facilitate the performance of his professional duties for which his services have been engaged. The Code of
                  Ethics further clarifies that such a duty continues even after completion of the assignment.

                  In  the  given  situation,  SR  &  Associates  complained  to  the  Registrar  of  Companies  (ROC)  through  letter
                  highlighting the points of dispute including non-existence of fixed assets, bogus creditors, etc. after coming
                  to know about the removal. SR & Associates made voluntary disclosure of the information acquired during
                  the professional engagement without the consent of the client and without there being any requirement in
                  law to disclose the same.

                  Second Schedule, Part I, Cl,1 --Confidentiality   Old Course-- (M04E, N14E, N16R, PM17, SM17, M22M)
          QNO     Breached While Presenting Paper                                         New Course—(SM23)
                  TITANIUM CNO – PE.1460
                  Mr. Parekh, a Chartered Accountant was invited by the Chamber of Commerce to present a paper in a
                  symposium on the issues facing Indian Leather Industry. During the course of his presentation he shared
                  some of the vital information of his client’s business under the impression that it will help the Nation to
                  compete with other countries at international level
                  Mr. Shreyansh, a Chartered Accountant in practice was invited to deliver a seminar on Amendments in
                  Schedule III and CARO 2020 which was attended by professionals as well as by representatives of various
                  Industries. One section of audience raised a particular issue unique to the industry to which it pertains.
                  Mr.  Shreyansh  enthusiastically  explained  the  issue  and  elaborated  how  he  solved  this,  for  his  client
                  facing the same issue with worked out examples from the computer storage device using the actual data
                  of one of his clients with full identification of client details being displayed to the group for  the sake
                  giving clarity on a topic in a real-life situation. Comment with reference to the Chartered Accountants
                  Act, 1949, and Schedules thereto.
          Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                      ▪  Clause (1) of Part I of the Second Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949
                      ▪  Code of Ethics
                      ▪  SA  200  on  "Overall  Objectives  of  the  Independent  Auditor  and  the  Conduct  of  an  Audit  in
                          Accordance with Standards on Auditing"

                  Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws
                      ➢  Disclosure of Client’s Information:
                          Clause (1) of Part I of the Second Schedule to the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949 deals with the
                          professional  misconduct relating to  the  disclosure  of  information  by  a  chartered accountant  in
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