Page 46 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 46


                     USER ENTITY
                                        25  of Every Month, One Copy of all   SERVICE ORGANISATION
                                         letters is sent to SO with other Info
                   CFO Finalise & puts
                       signature                                              Naresh Receives and
                                       Management I/C/S                      Confirms it from Clerk
                                       1. Compares with Master File
                                       2. Select 10 Employees in random
                                       selection and check detailed
                   HR heads approves   calculation                            Mahesh types it and
                    it with signature  3. 5 Month graphical analysis       coverts it in electronic form

                     Clerk prepares                                          Jignesh uploads it and
                     documents in                                              orders processing
                                                                              Ganesh evaluates it ,
                                                                             finalises & send email

                    ➢  Obtaining Understanding: - Obtaining understanding of entity & its environment is
                        covered  under  SA  315  /  SA  402  further  explains  which  information  should  be
                        obtained if services of SO is used.
                        As per SA 402 for obtaining understanding of the user entity in accordance with SA 315, the user
                        auditor shall obtain an understanding of how a user entity uses the services of a service organization
                        in the user entity’s operation including:

                    ➢  Four Information points are Related to Services.
                               Nature of Services / Significance of Services / Effect of Services on ICS
                               / Nature & Materiality of TBD affected by Service.

                                   •  The nature of services provided by the service organisation and the significance of
                                      such services to the user entity, including its effect on the internal control of user
                                   •  The nature and materiality of the transactions processed, or accounts or financial
                                      reporting processes affected by the service organisation.

                    ➢  Three Information Points are Related to SO
                               Nature of Relationships with SO / Degree of Interaction with SO / Relevant
                               Controls applied on transactions processed by SO

                                   •  The  nature  of  the  relationship  between  the  user  entity  and  the  service
                                      organization including the relevant contractual terms for the activities undertaken
                                      by the service organisation.
                                   •  The degree of interaction between the activities of the service organization and
                                      those of user entity and

                               When obtaining an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in accordance
                               with  SA  315  “Identifying  and  Assessing  the  Risks  of  Material  Misstatement  through
                               Understanding the Entity and its Environment”, the user auditor shall evaluate the design
                               and  implementation  of  relevant  controls  at  the  user  entity  that  relate  to  the  services
                               provided by the service organisation, including those that are applied to the transactions
                               processed by the service organisation.
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