Page 45 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 45

Part 5 - SA 402

                 Understanding Services Given by SO   Old Course – (M06E, M11E, M12M, N12R, N13E, N14R, M16R,
        52.000    TITANIUM CNO--SA402.140                                     PM17, M17R, N18R, N18M, N19M)
                                                                                          New Course – (SM23)
                 In the course of audit of Raja and Rank Ltd, the audit manager of Sharma & Co observed that Raja and
                 Rank Ltd has outsourced certain activities to an outsourcing agency.
                 (a) As the engagement partner, guide the audit manager in the assessment of services provided by the
                 outsourcing agency in relation to the audit
                 (b)What are sources of information for understanding SO services.
                 (c) Discuss the procedure to  be applied  in case the user auditor  is  enable  to  obtain  a sufficient

                 understanding from the user entity?

                 MNO Ltd. gets its accounting data processed by a service organisation. CA Riya is the statutory auditor of
                 MNO Ltd. CA Riya wants to obtain an understanding as to how MNO Ltd. is using the services of the service
                 organisation. What all understanding should she obtain?
        Answer  Part I -- Relevant Standards & Laws
                    ▪  SA 402, Audit Considerations relating to an Entity Using a Service Organisation
                 Part II -- Requirements of Relevant Standards & Laws

                                                   SA 402 / SAE 3402
                                SA 402                                         SAE 3402
                               Applicable                                     Applicable

                             USER AUDITOR

                                                   SALARY PROCESSING IS

                              USER ENTITY

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