Page 124 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 124

CA Ravi Taori
           (CNO-SA570.060) Step 3: -Conclusion & Reporting
          PART 1 – Conclusion about Material Uncertainty.
          After  collecting  SAAE,  auditor  determines  if  there  is  MATERIAL  UNCERTAINTY  regarding  events  or
          conditions that raise significant doubt about the entity's going concern status.
          Material  Uncertainty:  A  material  uncertainty  exists  when  the  magnitude  of  its  potential  impact  and
          likelihood  of  occurrence is  such  that,  in the  auditor's  judgement,  appropriate  disclosure  of the  nature  and
          implications of the uncertainty is necessary.
          Events & Conditions & Material Uncertainty Exists: Auditor shall determine whether financial statements
          adequately disclose.
           o Principal Events & Conditions
           o Disclose clearly that there is Material Uncertainty regarding going concern and it may not be able to realise
            assets & discharge liabilities in normal course of business.
          Events &  Conditions  Exists &  But  No  Material Uncertainty:  Auditor shall  determine  whether  financial
          statements adequately disclose.
           o Principal Events & Conditions as per requirements of FRF
          PART 2 - After concluding about Material Uncertainty & its treatment, auditor should evaluate about going
          concern and its implications on audit report
          Going Concern Appropriate but whether material uncertainty exists?
          •  If MU doesn't exists- Express Unmodified Opinion
          •  If MU exists and disclosure is adequate
             ▪ Yes: -  Then express unmodified opinion BUT a separate section MATERIAL UNCERTAINTY RELATED
              TO GOING CONCERN to be included in audit report.
              o Refer to note in financial statement.
              o Express that they cast significant doubt over going concern but opinion in not modified
             ▪ No: - Then express qualified or adverse opinion as appropriate and in basis of para, explain that disclosure
              was not adequate
          Going Concern inappropriate: But management still uses going concern assumption as base, then auditor
          shall give ADVERSE opinion
          Going Concern is Doubtful and Management is not willing to extend its Assessment: Auditor may qualify
          or give disclaimer as appropriate.

                                                          SA 580

                                            WRITTEN REPRESENTATIONS

          (CNO-SA580.020) Written Representation

          Confirmation: A written representation is a statement by management given to the auditor to confirm certain
          matters or support other audit evidence, such as commitments made at the start of the audit or to corroborate
          information provided orally.
          Enhances Quality of Information From Management
          Enhancement: A request for written representations from management, rather than oral, may lead to more
          rigorous consideration, thereby enhancing the quality of the representations.
          Exclusion: Written representations do not include financial statements, assertions therein, or supporting books
          and records. In the context of this SA, "management" refers to both management and, where appropriate, those
          charged with governance.

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