Page 125 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 125

CA Ravi Taori
          There are two types of written representations: -
          Written Representations about Management's Responsibilities (Compulsory)
          Other Written Representations
          Not a substitute of regular audit procedure
          Non-Substitution:  Written representations  provide  necessary  audit  evidence  but are  not  sufficient  on  their
          own. They cannot be a substitute for other evidence that the auditor expects to be reasonably available, and the
          provision  of  reliable  written  representations  does  not  affect  the  nature  or  extent  of  other  audit  evidence
          Example: A representation by management regarding the quantity, existence, and cost of inventories is not a
          substitute for normal audit procedures for verification and valuation. If the auditor cannot obtain  sufficient
          appropriate audit evidence on a material matter, even with a representation from management, it constitutes a
          limitation on the scope of the examination.

          (CNO-SA580.040) Written Representations About Management's Responsibilities
          WR for Preparation of the Financial Statements
          1A.  Request:  The  auditor  shall  request  management  to  provide  a  written  representation  about  its
          responsibility for preparing the financial statements according to the applicable framework.
          Confirmation:  Audit  evidence  alone  is  not  sufficient;  confirmation  from  management  about  fulfilling
          responsibilities is required.
          WR for Information Provided and Completeness of Transactions
          1B. Information: The auditor shall request management to provide a written representation that all relevant
          information and access have been provided as agreed in the terms of the audit engagement.
          1C. Completeness: The auditor shall request a written representation that all transactions have been recorded
          and are reflected in the financial statements.
          Management Responsibility as per Terms of Engagement
          2A. Description: Management's responsibilities shall be described in the written representations as they are in
          the terms of the audit engagement.
          2B.  Reconfirmation:  The  auditor  may  ask  management  to  reconfirm  its  understanding  of  those
          responsibilities in written representations, particularly when: (Detailed)
           • The terms were prepared in a previous year.
           • Signatories of the audit engagement no longer have relevant responsibilities.
           • There is any indication of misunderstanding by management.
           • Changes in circumstances make reconfirmation appropriate.

          (CNO-SA580.060) Date of And Period(S) Covered By Written Representations

          1. Date Alignment: The date of the written representations should be close to, but not after, the date of the
          auditor's report on the financial statements.
          2A. Coverage: The written representations must cover all financial statements and periods mentioned in the
          auditor's report.
          2B. Management change: Even if management changes, they must provide written representations for the last
          year, as the financial statements are their responsibility.

          (CNO-SA580.080) Requested Written Representations Not Provided
          Discussion: Discuss the matter with management.
          Evaluation:  Re-evaluate  the  integrity  of  management  and  evaluate  the  effect  on  the  reliability  of
          representations and audit evidence.

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