Page 127 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 127

CA Ravi Taori

               07                                      REPORTING

         Case Study-- CA. A
         Seminar: The auditor attended a seminar on "Audit Conclusions and Reporting-Responsibilities of auditors" in
         the context of SA 700 series, organized by the local branch of WIRC of ICAI.
         Importance  of  Audit  Report:  The  seminar  highlighted  the  importance  of  preparing  an  audit  report  in
         accordance with Standards on Auditing due to increased regulatory scrutiny. The auditor's opinion, expressed
         through the audit report, is of paramount importance. If a modified opinion is warranted, it should be clearly
         expressed and explained. In cases of material and pervasive misstatements, auditors should not hesitate to express
         an adverse opinion in audit reports.
         Going Concern: Auditors should challenge key underlying assumptions rather than accepting them without
         question,  as  they  have  significant  implications  for  the  audit  report.  Auditors  should  thoroughly  assess  the
         appropriateness of the "Going concern" assumption in the preparation of financial statements. If the client has
         not made its assessment, the auditor should question the management. The use of the going concern basis of
         accounting  has  direct  implications  for  the  auditor's  report.  If  inappropriate,  an  adverse  opinion  should  be
         EMP: The value of Emphasis of Matter paragraphs in audit reports was discussed. These paragraphs cannot be
         used for matters requiring a modification of opinion.
         KAM: The communicative value of audit reports can be increased by highlighting key audit matters identified
         during the audit, and how they were addressed.

         Importance  of  Audit  Report:  The  audit  report  is  the  primary  deliverable  from  a  statutory  auditor,
         communicating their expert opinions on the financial statements, and is essential for establishing the credibility
         of those statements for stakeholders.
         Preparation of Audit Report: After completing the audit field work, the auditor must prepare this report with
         great care, attentiveness, and impartiality due to its significant impact.
         Compliance of SA’s: The report must adhere to the Standards on Auditing to ensure consistent and compliant
         issuance of audit opinions.

         SA 700 Series - The Auditor’s Report on Financial Statements
         The SA 700 series is purely dedicated to the auditor’s report to be issued by the auditor. There are following SAs
         which you need to be aware of.

         SA-700 - Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements
         Opinion: The purpose of SA-700 is to form an opinion on the financial statements.
         Report: It dictates the form and content of the auditor’s report.
         Unmodified: It deals with the Un-Modified (Clean) opinion of the Auditor

         SA-701 - Communicating Key Audit Matters in the Independent Auditor’s Report
         Communicative value: SA-701's purpose is to enhance the communicative value of the auditor’s report by
         providing greater transparency about the audit that was performed. It aims to assist the user in understanding
         those matters that, in the auditor’s professional judgment, were of most significance in the audit of the financial
         statements of the current period.
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