Page 134 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 134

CA Ravi Taori

         (CNO - SA 700.320) Date of the Auditor’s Report:
         1.  Management/TCWG  signing:  The  evidence  should  also  demonstrate  that  individuals  with  recognized
         authority have taken responsibility for the financial statements.
         2. Report Date: The date of the auditor's report should not precede the date when the auditor has obtained
         sufficient  appropriate  audit  evidence  to  form  an  opinion  on  the  financial  statements.  The  evidence  should
         confirm that all components of the financial statements, including related notes, have been prepared.

         (CNO - SA 700.340) UDIN Compliance for Chartered Accountants
         Compliance: Chartered Accountants must comply with all signature-related requirements as per relevant laws,
         regulations, and Standards on Auditing (SAs), and also adhere to relevant announcements and clarifications
         issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).
         UDIN: The Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) must be mentioned. This requirement became
         mandatory from 1st July 2019. The UDIN requirement applies to both manually and digitally signed reports or
         certificates. The UDIN requirement also extends to certificates uploaded online. (Days – 60 Days)

         (CNO - SA 700.360) Auditor’s Report Prescribed by Law or Regulation
         If the auditor is required by law or regulation applicable to the entity to use a specific layout, or wording of the
         auditor’s report, the auditor’s report shall refer to Standards on Auditing only if the auditor’s report includes, at
         a minimum, each of the following elements:
         Title / Addressee / Opinion / Basis of Opinion / Going Concern / KAM / Management Responsibility / Auditor
         Responsibility / Signature / Place / Date

         (CNO  -  SA  700.380)  Auditor’s  Report  for  Audits  Conducted  in  Accordance  with  Both  Standards  on
         Auditing Issued by ICAI and International Standards on Auditing or Auditing Standards of Any Other
         1. Dual Standards: An audit may be conducted in accordance with both the Standards on Auditing issued by
         ICAI and the International Standards on Auditing or auditing standards of another jurisdiction.

         2A. No Conflict: The auditor can refer to both sets of standards in their report only if there is no conflict between
         them that would lead to a different opinion or omission of an Emphasis of Matter or Other Matter paragraph
         required by the Standards on Auditing.
         2B. Report Elements: The auditor's report must include all elements set out in the Auditor's Report Prescribed
         by Law or Regulation when using the layout or wording specified by the Standards on Auditing.
         3. Clear Identification: If the auditor's report refers to both the International Standards on Auditing or the
         auditing standards of a specific jurisdiction and the Standards on Auditing issued by ICAI, it must clearly identify
         both, including the jurisdiction of origin of the other auditing standards.

         (CNO - SA 700.400) Supplementary Information Presented with the Financial Statements
         Evaluation:  The  auditor  must  assess  whether  supplementary  information,  not  required  by  the  financial
         reporting framework, is an integral part of the financial statements based on its nature or presentation.
         Integral: If considered integral, the auditor's opinion should cover this supplementary information.
         Not Integral: If the supplementary information is not considered integral to the audited financial statements,
         the auditor should evaluate whether it is clearly distinguishable from the audited statements.
         Differentiated:  If  the  supplementary  information  is  not  clearly  differentiated,  the  auditor  should  request
         management to change its presentation. If management refuses to change the presentation, the auditor should
         identify and disclose the unaudited supplementary information in the auditor's report.                                                                                      07.8
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