Page 135 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 135

CA Ravi Taori

         For example:
         Considered Integral:  When the notes to the financial statements include an explanation or the reconciliation
         of the extent to which the financial statements comply with another financial reporting framework, the auditor
         may  consider this  to  be supplementary  information that  cannot be  clearly differentiated  from the  financial
         statements. the auditor’s opinion would also cover notes or supplementary schedules that are cross referenced
         from the financial statements.
         Not Considered Integral: When an additional profit and loss account that discloses specific items of expenditure
         is disclosed as a separate schedule included as an appendix to the financial statements, the auditor may consider
         this to be supplementary information that can be clearly differentiated from the financial statements.

          SA 701 Communicating Key Audit Matters in The Independent Auditor’s Report

         (CNO - SA 701.020) Introduction:
         Guidance: SA 701 provides guidance regarding communication of Key Audit Matters. This SA deals with the
         auditor’s responsibility to communicate key audit matters in the auditor’s report. It is intended to address both
         the auditor’s judgment as to what to communicate in the auditor’s report and the form and content of such
         KAM: Key Audit matter are those matters that, in the auditors. professional judgment, were of most significance
         in  the  audit  of the  financial  statements  of  the current  period.  Key  audit  matters  are  selected. from  matters
         communicated with those charged with governance.

         (CNO - SA 701.040) Purpose
         Purpose:  Communicating  key  audit  matters  in  the  auditor’s  report  aims  to  increase  its  transparency  and
         communicative value. This provides the intended users of financial statements with more insight into significant
         aspects of the audit for the current period. By doing so, users can better understand the entity and areas where
         significant management judgment was exercised in the audited financial statements.
         Objective as per SA 701: The objective is to enhance the communicative value of the auditor's report and assist
         users in comprehending the most  significant matters identified  by  the  auditor in  the audit  of the  financial
         statements for the current period.

         (CNO - SA 701.060) Scope (What should not be covered)
         (Shortcut: Context in Social Media Marketing Disclosures)
         Context: The communication of key audit matters in the auditor's report is in the context of providing an
         opinion on the financial statements as a whole.
         Separate Opinion: It should not be viewed as a separate opinion on individual matters.
         Modified Opinion: It is not a replacement for the auditor expressing a modified opinion when required by the
         specific circumstances of the audit engagement, as per SA 705 (Revised).
         Material Uncertainty: It is not a substitute for reporting in accordance with SA 570 (Revised) when there is a
         material uncertainty that may cast significant doubt on the entity's ability to continue as a going concern.
         Disclosures: This  communication  is  not a substitute  for  the disclosures  required by  the  financial  reporting
         framework or those necessary for fair presentation.

         (CNO - SA 701.080) Applicability of SA 701
         1. Law or Regulation: It is required when law or regulation mandates the communication of key audit matters
         in the auditor’s report.

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