Page 131 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 131

CA Ravi Taori

         3.  Fair  Presentation  Framework:  When  the  financial  statements  are  prepared  in  accordance  with  a  fair
         presentation framework, the description of responsibilities for the financial statements in the auditor’s report
         should  refer  to  “the  preparation  and  fair  presentation  of  these  financial  statements”  or  “the  preparation  of
         financial statements that give a true and fair view,” as appropriate in the circumstances.

         (CNO - SA 700.240) Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements:
         Part 1 : Objective
         1.  Objective: Obtain  reasonable assurance about whether  the  financial statements  as  a  whole are  free  from
         material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; and issue an auditor’s report that includes the auditor’s
         1A. Reasonable Assurance: Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but not a guarantee that an audit
         conducted in accordance with Standards on Auditing (SAs) will always detect a material misstatement when it
         1B. Material: Either (i) Describe that they are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could
         reasonably  be  expected  to  influence  the  economic  decisions  of  users  taken  on  the  basis  of  these  financial
         statements; or
         (ii)  Provide  a  definition  or  description  of  materiality  in  accordance  with  the  applicable  financial  reporting
         1C. Misstatements: Misstatements can arise from fraud or error.
         Part 2: Auditor & Audit Process
         The Auditor’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of the auditor’s report
         shall further:
         Professional Judgement & skepticism: State that, as part of an audit in accordance with SAs, the auditor
         exercises professional judgment and maintains professional skepticism throughout the audit; and
         Describe an audit by stating that the auditor’s responsibilities are
         - Audit Process:
           - Identify and assess risks of material misstatement due to fraud or error.
           - Design and perform audit procedures for identified risks.
           - Obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence for the auditor's opinion.
           - Recognize that fraud risks are higher than error risks due to potential collusion, forgery, intentional omissions,
            misrepresentations, and override of internal control.
         Shortcut: GIA

         Going Concern:
           - Conclude on the appropriateness of using the going concern accounting basis.
           - Determine if material uncertainty exists that may cast doubt on the entity’s continuity.
           - Highlight in auditor’s report any material uncertainty or modify opinion if disclosures are inadequate.
         - Internal Control (Approach):
           - Understand internal control relevant to the audit for designing appropriate audit procedures.
           - Not to express an opinion on the effectiveness of internal control unless there's a specific responsibility to do
         - AED (3 Pillars):
           - Evaluate appropriateness of accounting policies used.
           - Assess reasonableness of accounting estimates and related disclosures by management.

         - Fair presentation framework (If applicable):
           -  Evaluate  the  overall  presentation,  structure,  and  content  of  financial  statements  prepared  with  a  fair
           presentation framework.                                                                                      07.5
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