Page 173 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 173

CA Ravi Taori
         to be reflected in the summary financial statements so that they are consistent, in all material respects, with or
         represent a fair summary of the audited financial statements.
         2. Risk in Summary Financial Statements: Because summary financial statements, by their nature contain
         aggregated  information  and  limited  disclosure,  there  is  an  increased  risk  that  they  may  not  contain  the
         information necessary so as not to be misleading in the circumstances. This risk increases when established
         criteria for the preparation of summary financial statements do not exist.
         3A. Factors Affecting Auditor’s Determination: (Shortcut: NPI Not misleading)
         Factors affecting the auditor’s determination of the acceptability of the applied criteria include the Nature of the
         entity, the Purpose of the summary financial statements, the Information needs of the intended users of the
         summary financial statements, and whether the applied criteria will result in summary financial statements that
         are Not misleading in the circumstances.
         3B. Appropriate Title (So that not Misleading): Adequate disclosure of the summarised nature of the summary
         financial statements and the identity of the audited financial statements, may be provided by a title such as
         “Summary financial statements prepared from the audited financial statements for the year ended March 31,
         Types of Criteria & Unacceptable Criteria.
         1A. Recognised Criteria: The criteria for the preparation of summary financial statements may be established
         by an authorised or recognised standards setting organisation or by law or regulation. Similar to the case of
         financial statements, as explained in SA 210, in many such cases, the auditor may presume that such criteria are
         1B. Criteria by Management: Where established criteria for the preparation of summary financial statements
         do not exist, criteria may be developed by management, for example, based on practice in a particular industry.
         2A. Unacceptable Criteria: If the auditor concludes that the applied criteria are unacceptable or is unable to
         obtain the agreement of management, the auditor shall not accept the engagement to report on the summary
         financial statements, unless required by law or regulation to do so.
         2B. No reference to SA: An engagement conducted in accordance with such law or regulation does not comply
         with this SA. Accordingly, the auditor’s report on the summary financial statements shall not indicate that the
         engagement was conducted in accordance with this SA.
         2C. Include in Engagement Letter: The auditor shall include appropriate reference to this fact in the terms of
         the engagement. The auditor shall also determine the effect that this may have on the engagement to audit the
         financial statements from which the summary financial statements are derived.
         b) Obtain the agreement of management that it acknowledges and understands its responsibility:
         1. Preparation: Obtain the agreement of management that it acknowledges and understands its responsibility
         for the preparation of the summary financial statements in accordance with the applied criteria.
         2. Availability of AFS: Management is also responsible to make the audited financial statements (AFS) available
         to the intended users of the summary financial statements without undue difficulty.
         2A. Requirement of Law or Regulation: If law or regulation provides that the audited financial statements
         need not be made available to the intended users of the summary financial statements and establishes the criteria
         for the preparation of the summary financial statements, management is responsible to describe that law or
         regulation in the summary financial statements.
         2B. Evaluation of Availability: The auditor’s evaluation whether the audited financial statements are available
         to the intended users of the summary financial statements is affected by several factors given below:
            • Description of Availability: These factors include whether the summary financial statements describe
              clearly from whom or where the audited financial statements are available.
            • Public Record: The factors also consider whether the audited financial statements are on public record.
            • Ready Access: whether management has established a process for ready access to the audited financial
              statements by the intended users.

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