Page 172 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 172

CA Ravi Taori
         Reference to Modification: Even if the modified opinion, Emphasis of matter paragraph, or Other matter
         paragraph on the complete set of financial statements doesn’t pertain to the audited statement or element, the
         auditor might find it apt to mention the modification in an Other matter paragraph. This is deemed relevant for
         users’ understanding of the audited statement, element, or the associated auditor’s report.
         Other SAs: SA 800 and 805 do not supersede the stipulations of other SAs. They also don’t claim to address all
         special considerations that might be pertinent in the engagement circumstances.

         (CNO SA- 805.120) Examples of Specific Elements, Accounts or Items of a Financial Statement are:
         (Shortcut: TEA Schedule)
         Schedule of Net Tangible Assets: A schedule of net tangible assets, including related notes, is also an example
         of a specific element of a financial statement.
         Schedule  of  Externally  Managed  Assets:  Another  example  is  a  schedule  of  externally  managed  assets  and
         income of a private pension plan, including related notes.
         Accounts  Receivable  and  Related  Items:  Examples  include  accounts  receivable,  allowance  for  doubtful
         accounts receivable, inventory, the liability for accrued benefits of a private pension plan, the recorded value of
         identified intangible assets, or the liability for “incurred but not reported” claims in an insurance portfolio,
         including related notes.
         Schedule  of  Disbursements:  Lastly,  a  schedule  of  disbursements  in  relation  to  a  lease  property,  including
         explanatory notes, is an example of a specific item of a financial statement.


         (CNO SA- 810.020) Introduction
         SA 810 - SA 810 deals with the auditor’s responsibilities when undertaking an engagement to report on summary
         financial statements derived from financial statements audited in accordance with SAs by that same auditor.
         What do Summary Financial Statements Reflect?
         Summary financial statements reflect historical financial information that is derived from financial statements,
         but  that  contains  less  detail  than  the  financial  statements.  They  still  provide  a  structured  representation
         consistent with that provided by the financial statements of the entity’s economic resources or obligations at a
         point in time or the changes therein for a period of time.

         (CNO SA- 810.040) Engagement Acceptance – Primary Condition.

         Auditor of FST: The auditor shall, ordinarily, accept an engagement to report on summary financial statements
         in accordance with this SA only when the auditor has been engaged to conduct an audit in accordance with
         SAs of the financial statements from which the summary financial statements are derived.
         Necessary Knowledge: If the auditor has not also audited the financial statements from which the summary
         financial  statements  are  derived,  the  auditor  shall  not  have  the  necessary  knowledge  to  discharge  his
         responsibilities in relation to the summary financial statements in accordance with this SA.
         Herein lies the rationale behind the requirement that engagement to report on summary financial statements
         shall, ordinarily, be accepted when the auditor has been engaged to conduct an audit of financial statements
         from which summary financial statements are derived.
         Engagement Acceptance – Further Conditions.

         Before accepting an engagement to report on summary financial statements, the auditor shall:
         a) Determine whether the applied criteria are acceptable
         1. Applied Criteria: Applied criteria refer to the criteria applied by management in the preparation of the
         summary financial statements. Management is responsible for the determination of the information that needs

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