Page 170 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 170

CA Ravi Taori
         statement or of a specific element of a financial statement, the auditor shall consider whether the expected form
         of opinion is appropriate in the circumstances.
         3.  Consideration  for  Single  Financial  Statement  or  Specific  Element:  In  the  case  of  a  single  financial
         statement or of a specific element of a financial statement, the applicable financial reporting framework may not
         explicitly address the presentation of the financial statement or of the element.
         This  may  be  the  case  when  the  applicable  financial  reporting  framework  is  based  on  a  financial  reporting
         framework established by an authorised or recognised standards setting organisation for the preparation of a
         complete set of financial statements. The auditor therefore considers whether the expected form of opinion is
         appropriate in the light of the applicable financial reporting framework.
         4. Wordings of Opinion
         In accordance with Revised SA 700:
         (a) When expressing an unmodified opinion on a complete set of financial statements prepared in accordance
         with a fair presentation framework, the auditor’s opinion, unless otherwise required by law or regulation, uses
         one of the following phrases: (i) the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, in accordance
         with the applicable financial reporting framework or (ii) the financial statements give a true and fair view in
         accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework and
         (b) When expressing an unmodified opinion on a complete set of financial statements prepared in accordance
         with a compliance framework, the auditor’s opinion states that the financial statements are prepared, in all
         material respects, in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.
         Factors that may affect the auditor’s consideration as to whether to use the phrases “presents fairly, in all
         material respects”, or “gives a true and fair view” in the auditor’s opinion include:
         (Shortcut: ARC Da Judgement)
         1. Considerations of AFRF: Factors that may affect the auditor’s consideration as to whether to use the phrases
         “presents  fairly,  in  all  material  respects”,  or  “gives  a  true  and  fair  view”  in  the  auditor’s  opinion  include
         considerations  related  to  the  applicable  financial  reporting  framework  (AFRF)  and  compliance  with  its
         1A.  Restriction  to  Complete  Set  of  Financial  Statements:  Whether  the  applicable  financial  reporting
         framework is explicitly or implicitly restricted to the preparation of a complete set of financial statements.
         1B. Compliance and Presentation: Whether the single financial statement or the specific element of a financial
         statement will comply fully with each of those requirements of the framework relevant to the particular financial
         statement or the particular element, and whether the presentation of the financial statement or the specific
         element includes the related notes and disclosures.
         2.  Departure  or  Additional  Disclosures  for  Fair  Presentation:  If  necessary  to  achieve  fair  presentation,
         whether  to  provide  disclosures  beyond  those  specifically  required  by  the  framework  or,  in  exceptional
         circumstances, depart from a requirement of the framework.
         3. Professional Judgement: The auditor’s decision as to the expected form of opinion is a matter of professional
         judgment and may be affected by the general acceptance of the phrases “presents fairly, in all material respects”,
         or “gives a true and fair view” in the auditor’s opinion in the particular jurisdiction.

         (CNO SA- 805.100) Forming an Opinion and Reporting Considerations
         1. Forming an Opinion - Application of Revised SA 700: When forming an opinion and reporting on a single
         financial statement or on a specific element of a financial statement, the auditor shall apply the requirements in
         Revised SA 700, adapted as necessary in the circumstances of the engagement.
         2. Expression of Separate Opinions for Each Engagement: If the auditor undertakes an engagement to report
         on  a  single  financial  statement  or  on  a  specific  element  of  a  financial  statement  in  conjunction  with  an
         engagement to audit the entity’s complete set of financial statements, the auditor shall express a separate opinion
         for each engagement.

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