Page 188 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 188

CA Ravi Taori
         Expresses a conclusion: In a review of financial statements, the practitioner expresses a conclusion designed to
         enhance the degree of confidence of intended users regarding the preparation of an entity’s financial statements
         in  accordance  with  an  applicable  financial  reporting  framework.  Such  financial  statements  may  have  been
         prepared using a general purpose framework or special purpose framework.
         Inquiry and Analytical Procedures: The practitioner performs primarily inquiry and analytical procedures to
         obtain sufficient and appropriate evidence as the basis for a conclusion on the financial statements as a whole.
         Addressing Potential Material Misstatements: If the practitioner becomes aware of a matter causing belief that
         the  financial  statements  may  be  materially  misstated,  additional  procedures  are  designed  and  performed  as
         necessary to conclude on the financial statements.

         (CNO SRE 2400.040) Objectives in a review of financial statements in accordance with SRE 2400
         Practitioner’s  Objectives  in  SRE  2400:  The  practitioner’s  objectives  in a  review  of  financial  statements  in
         accordance with SRE 2400 are to obtain limited assurance, primarily by making an inquiry and performing
         analytical procedures, about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement.
         Expressing a Conclusion: This enables the practitioner to express a conclusion on whether anything has come
         to his attention that causes him to believe the financial statements are not prepared, in all material respects, in
         accordance with an applicable financial reporting framework.
         Reporting on Financial Statements: The practitioner is required to report on the financial statements as a
         whole and communicate as required by this SRE.
         Modified Conclusion or Withdrawal: In all cases when limited assurance cannot be obtained and a modified
         conclusion  in  the  practitioner’s  report  is  insufficient  in  the  circumstances,  this  SRE  requires  action.The
         practitioner is either to disclaim a conclusion in the report issued for the engagement or, where appropriate, to
         withdraw from the engagement if withdrawal is possible under applicable law or regulations.
         Compliance with Ethical Requirements and Engagement Level Quality Control
         Compliance with Ethical Requirements: The practitioner shall comply with relevant ethical requirements,
         including those pertaining to independence.
         Engagement Partner’s Responsibility: The engagement partner is responsible for the overall quality of each
         review engagement.

         (CNO SRE 2400.060) Factors affecting Acceptance and Continuance of Client Relationships and Review
         (Shortcut: LE READ Information)
         Limitation on Scope: Management or those charged with governance impose a limitation on the scope of the
         practitioner’s work in the terms of a proposed review engagement such that the practitioner believes that the
         limitation will result in the practitioner disclaiming a conclusion on the financial statements.
         Ethical  Requirements: The  practitioner  has  reason to  believe that  relevant  ethical  requirements,  including
         independence, will not be satisfied.
         Rational Purpose Requirement: Unless required by law or regulation, the practitioner shall not accept a review
         engagement if the practitioner is not satisfied that there is a rational purpose for the engagement. Assurance
         engagements may only be accepted when the engagement exhibits certain characteristics conducive to achieving
         the practitioner’s objectives specified for the engagement.
         Examples of Irrational Purpose: It may be unlikely that there is a rational purpose for the engagement if, for
         example, there is a significant limitation on the scope of work or the practitioner suspects association of the
         practitioner’s name with the financial statements in an inappropriate manner. Similarly, when the engagement
         is intended to meet compliance requirements of relevant law or regulation and such law or regulation requires
         the financial statements to be audited, there is no rational purpose for such a review engagement.

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