Page 189 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 189

CA Ravi Taori
         Audit or Compilation: When the practitioner’s preliminary understanding of the engagement circumstances
         indicates  that  accepting  a  review  engagement  would  not  be  appropriate,  the  practitioner  may  consider
         recommending another type of engagement.
         Depending  on  the  circumstances,  the  practitioner  may,  for  example,  believe  that  performance  of  an  audit
         engagement would be more appropriate than a review. In other cases, if the engagement circumstances preclude
         the performance of an assurance engagement, the practitioner may recommend a compilation engagement, or
         other accounting services engagement, as appropriate.
         Doubt on Management’s Integrity: The practitioner has cause to doubt management’s integrity such that it is
         likely to affect proper performance of the review.
         Availability or Reliability of Information: The practitioner’s preliminary understanding of the engagement
         circumstances indicates that information needed to perform the review engagement is likely to be unavailable
         or unreliable.

         (CNO SRE 2400.080) Preconditions for Accepting a Review Engagement (SA 210)
         Prior to accepting a review engagement, the practitioner shall: -
         1. Acceptability of FRF: Determine whether the financial reporting framework applied in the preparation of
         the financial statements is acceptable, including, in the case of special purpose financial statements, obtaining an
         understanding of the purpose for which the financial statements are prepared and of the intended users.
         2. Management's Agreement: Obtain the agreement of management that it acknowledges and understands its
         responsibilities with respect to following
         2A.  Preparation  of  FST:  for  the  preparation  of  the  financial  statements  in  accordance  with  the  applicable
         financial reporting framework, including, where relevant, their fair presentation.
         2B. Establishing Internal Controls: For such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable
         the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
         2C. Access to All Information: To provide the practitioner with access to all information of which management
         is aware that is relevant to the preparation of the financial statements, such as records, documentation, and other
         2D. Additional Information: Additional information that the practitioner may request from management for
         the purpose of the review.
         2E.  Unrestricted  Access  to  Persons:  And  unrestricted  access  to  persons  within  the  entity  from  whom  the
         practitioner determines it necessary to obtain evidence.
         Practitioner Not Satisfied
         1A. Discussion with Management: If the practitioner is not satisfied as to any of the matters set out above as
         preconditions for accepting a review engagement, the practitioner shall discuss the matter with the management
         or those charged with governance.
         1B. No Changes: If changes cannot be made to satisfy the practitioner as to those matters, the practitioner shall
         not accept the proposed engagement unless required by law or regulation to do so.
         1C. Not as per SRE: However, an engagement conducted under such circumstances does not comply with this
         SRE. Accordingly, the practitioner shall not include any reference within the practitioner’s report to the review
         having been conducted in accordance with this SRE.
         2. Post Acceptance Issue: If it is discovered after the engagement has been accepted that the practitioner is not
         satisfied as to any of the above preconditions, the practitioner shall discuss the matter with the management or
         those charged with governance and determined following:
         2A. Resolution: The practitioner shall determine whether the matter can be resolved.
         2B. Withdrawal: whether it is appropriate to continue with the engagement.
         2C. Modify Report: And whether and, if so, how to communicate the matter in the practitioner’s report.

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