Page 193 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 193

CA Ravi Taori
         3. Effect on Conclusion & Reporting: The practitioner must consider the impact of management’s assessment
         on his conclusion regarding the financial statements. The practitioner must also consider how this assessment
         affects his report.
         4. External Party Reporting: The practitioner should determine if there's a duty to report the occurrence or
         suspicion of fraud or illegal acts to an external party.
         Going concern:
         1. Covered in Review: A review of financial statements includes consideration of the entity’s ability to continue
         as a going concern.
         2. EC-SD: If events or conditions arise that cast doubt on the entity’s ability to continue (EC-SD), the practitioner
         shall take the following actions:
         3. Management's future plans: Inquire about management's future plans affecting the entity’s continuance and
         the feasibility of those plans. Also, seek management's belief on the outcome of these plans in relation to the
         entity's going concern status.
         4. Evaluate Management's Responses: Assess the results of the inquiries to determine if:
          • The financial statements can continue to be presented on a going concern basis, or
          • There's a material misstatement or misleading representation regarding the entity’s ability to continue.
          • Reflect on management's responses in light of all pertinent information obtained during the review.
         Use of work performed by others:
         Other  practitioners  or  experts:  In  a  review,  the  practitioner  might  need  to  utilize  work  done  by  other
         practitioners or experts outside the accounting or assurance domain.
         Sufficient work: If relying on another's work, the practitioner should ensure the work is sufficient for the
         review's objectives.
         Group Financial Statements: When reviewing a group of entities' financial statements, the review procedures
         aim to meet the objectives of this Standard, contextualized for the group's consolidated statements.
         (v) Additional Procedures
         Possible Material Misstatement:
         - Additional procedures are required under this SRE if the practitioner becomes aware of a matter that causes
         them to believe the financial statements may be materially misstated.
         - The practitioner’s response in undertaking additional procedures varies depending on the circumstances.
         - It's a matter for the practitioner’s professional judgment.

         Purpose of Additional Procedures
         - These procedures should enable the practitioner to:
           (a)  Conclude  that  the  matter(s)  is  not  likely  to  cause  the  financial  statements  as  a  whole  to  be  materially
         misstated or
           (b) Determine that the matter(s) causes the financial statements as a whole to be materially misstated.

         Types of Procedures
         - The procedures may include:
           • Additional inquiry or analytical procedures, for example, being performed in greater detail or focusing on the
         affected  items  (amounts  or  disclosures  concerning  the  affected  accounts  or  transactions  in  the  financial
           • Other types of procedures, for example, substantive test of details or external confirmations.
         Example explaining when additional procedures may be necessary in Review
         1. Overdue accounts receivable: During inquiry and analytical procedures, a significant amount of overdue
         accounts receivable was identified without any allowance for potential bad debts. This raised concerns about
         potential material misstatements in the accounts receivable balance.

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