Page 248 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 248

CA Ravi Taori
         When an auditor accepts the audit of consolidated financial statements, the auditor should assess whether based
         on his work alone he would be able to express an opinion on the true and fair view presented by the consolidated
         financial statements.
         If the auditor is of the view that his own participation may not be enough or sufficient, he should consider using
         the work of ‘other auditors’.
         Such ‘other auditors’ might be the statutory auditors of the separate financial statements of one or more of the
         components  or  the  auditors  appointed  specifically  for  assisting  the  auditor  of  the  consolidated  financial
         statements (the principal auditor).
         Where the statutory auditors of one or more of the components of the parent are also requested to assist the
         principal auditor, the work to be performed by such statutory auditors for use by the principal auditor would
         constitute  an  assignment  separate  from  the  assignment  to  conduct  the  statutory  audit  of  the  respective
         Component Auditors: The auditor of the consolidated financial statements may use the work of other auditors
         as per requirement of Standards on Auditing unless the auditor of consolidated financial statements is also the
         auditor of the other components of the group.
         Harmonisation & Different B/S date: The ‘other financial information’ would include disclosures to be made
         in the consolidated financial statements about the components, proportion of items included in the consolidated
         financial statements to which different accounting policies have been applied where permitted, adjustments
         made for the effects of significant transactions or other events that occur between the financial statements of
         parent and its components, as the case may be, etc.

         (CNO GA.120) Role of SA 600 & GN on Consolidation.

         Applicability of SA 600: Standard on Auditing (SA) 600 pertains to the use of another auditor's work when
         reporting on an entity's financial statements, especially in consolidated financial statements. If the principal
         auditor chooses to use another auditor's work for the consolidated audit, they must adhere to the requirements
         of SA 600.
         1A. Materiality for Standalone Financial Statements:
         In carrying out the audit of the standalone financial statements, the computation of materiality for the purpose
         of issuing an opinion on the standalone financial statements of each component would be done component-wise
         on a standalone basis.
         • The principal auditor may computes the materiality for each component and communicates to the component
         auditor, if he believes is required for a true and fair view on CFS.
         1B. Materiality for group FST:
         When determining materiality during the audit of consolidated financial statements, the auditor must calculate
         materiality for the entire group.
         1C. Use of Group Materiality:
         •  The  parent  auditor  can  also  use  the  materiality  computed  on  the  group  level  to  determine  whether  the
         component's financial statements are material to the group to determine whether they should scope in additional
         components and consider using the work of other auditors as applicable.
         • This materiality should be used to assess the appropriateness of the consolidation adjustments (i.e. permanent
         consolidation adjustments and current period consolidation adjustments) that are made by the management in
         the preparation of CFS.
         2A. Confirmations from Component Auditors:
         • The principal auditor also obtains certain confirmations from component auditors like independence, code of
         ethics, certain information required for consolidation and disclosure requirements etc.
         3. Modifications/EMP:
         However,  while  considering  the  observations  (for  instance  modification  and  /or  emphasis  of  matter  in
         accordance with SA 705/706) of the component auditor in his report on the standalone financial statements, the
         principles of SA 600 need to be considered.                                                                                                  13.4
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